These five states focus on the emergence of new coronavirus cases in the United States

Looking at the coronavirus new cases in the United States is registered in only five states, a situation where there is pressure on the federal government to reconsider the form of distribution of vaccines and to send more doses to the foci of infection.

New York, Michigan, Florida, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey, 44% of COVID-19 delos, the value of 197,500 infections, and the last period of the sites di disponible, the akuerdo with the dates of the agencias estatales de salud retrieved by Johns Hopkins University. The total number of infections registered in the United States in the total week is more than 452,000.

Increasing the number of vacancies in the locations around the cases is already well known, said Dr. Elvin H. Geng, Professor of Infectious Diseases at the University of Washington. But also it is complicated.

“No querrían hacer esperar a la gente porque les está yendo mejor”, dijo Geng. “On the other hand, it makes sense to send vacancies to sites where the cases are pending.”

Just now, President Joe Biden’s governor has not given any signals that he will change his policy to distribute vacancies between states based in his people.

The recommendation:

The number of cases has been particularly significant in Michigan, giving the sale of six new diaries in addition to the 6,719 domingo, more than double the number of antiquities recorded.

Although Michigan has raised the highest number of new cases in the last few weeks, Governor Gretchen Whitmer has said she has no plans to return the restrictions. If the response is due to a poor cause of the pandemic, it has provoked that the person is moving more, and the variants of the virus are more contagious.

While so many, the number of diarrhea infections in the United States has drastically increased since the registered enrollment in the new period of the Christmas period. Without embarrassment, the sale of six new cases has been reported in recent March.

The coordinator of the Casa Blanca coronavirus response, Jeff Zients, said on Tuesday that the states would receive more than 28 million doses of the vaccine against COVID-19 this week. With this, United States has distributed more than 90 million doses in the last three weeks.

On the other hand, Biden announced that he had administered 150 million vacancies since the cargo was taken, and that all adults will be inoculated by April 19th.
