These are the ones we need to improve the hypertension and to overcome the anger

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Arterial hypertension is one of the cases with mayor prevalence in Spain. It is estimated that one in three Spaniards will be affected by this illness. Between multiple tips to better suelen distance the diet and ownership, although las pautas tienden a ser en ocasiones algo abstractas.

Ahora, a consensus document of the European Society of Cardiology, published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, ha querido ir más allá, redactando more specific guides. In this mode, according to the degrees of arterial tension, a type of ejaculation is recommended in another.

It is estimated that one of the four cortical infarcts is related to arterial hypertension, and the dates are that has 60% of the world’s population suffers from hypertension of 2025. More reasons that are sufficient to prevent pathology, or at least improve.

If it’s okay it is regular practice of physical exercise increases hypertension, the recommendations are centered on a minimum amount of weekly training, without specifying the type of ownership or its intensity, not to mention the arterial tension levels of each person.

Now, for the first time, a Consensus document has analyzed the best current evidence to constitute a detailed guide on how to reduce arterial tension both in patients and those diagnosed with hypertension as in normal arterial tension cases, it has the highest degree or in normal conditions.

In the three groups the objective series reduces arterial tension, as corrected by Henner Hanssen of the University of Basilia (Switzerland), principal author of the study. As well as indicating, the reduction of arterial tension in any acacia stage reduces the risk of suffering a cardiac attack, a cerebrovascular accident or including death by any type of cardiovascular disease in general.

El new document gives priority to ownership as a way to reduce arterial tension, but also the number of alternative alternatives, the numbers will be a minor reduction.

En los Diagnosed hypertension cases (superior arterial tension to 140/90 mmHg), the accompanying document is produced aerobic exercise as the most effective method. This type of activity includes activities such as walking, running, and cycling. This does not mean that this type of erection is superior to the weight of a single antihypertensive drug.

En los Normal arterial tension cases in the high rank (130-139 / 85-89 mmHg), el Dynamic resistance training or force training series the first priority. In this case, the training document has at least six large muscle groups, but the movement implies muscle contraction as well as weight gain, weight training or flexion, for example. The isometric features are not contemplated in this case.

In the normal arterial tension cases (less than 130/84 mmHg), the isometric resistance training series is the most recommended. Es decir, the realization of isometric acquisitions where live a static contraction bespierd, and no dynamic movement like tal. An example of this type of owner series is the conocida isometric abdominal plate, where the abdomen is held in contraction without movement.

As well specified Hanssen, es Important underskeid are normal tension ranges or hypertension as well as prevention rate: obesity increases the risk of suffering from hypertension in the head, and having hypertensive pads is also a serious risk factor. In these cases, it is possible to prevent the appearance of hypertension due to the appropriate urges.

Además, as well as clarifying the document, make regular form exercise have multiple benefits but to increase or prevent hypertension. If it is a multifunctional habit, and if it combines aerobic and forceful exercises, more than solitary.
