these are the newest diets for more and less saludable diets

If you have anything in common with all of them, there is only one different diet and not one of the most expensive ones. Some are repeated once and for all, while others are new they pass by once in a while. No todas ellas son saludables o nos ayudan a perder peso a largo plazo. For her, in Trendscias hemos examined many of them during the last year and this is what we know about the 11 fashion diets this year.

Dieta DASH

This diet was created, originally, to treat hypertension patients. The idea is not to follow to lose weight, but to find that the following of this eating style can help, ‘a large place,’ to consume a more healthy weight and maintain. This diet consists of the consumption of vegetables, fruits, herbs, whole grains, fatty acids in grass, large amounts of fiber, magnesium and calcium.

The diets of those who all the world have this exam

In addition, to ensure this diet, the recommendation is not to consume added sugars, as well as saturated herbs and reduce salt consumption. The DASH diet has been evaluated and demonstrated scientific evidence of its efficacy to increase blood pressure as it helps to lose weight. If there is a form of nutrition that, sustained in time and, for a long time, we will help our health as much as our weight, without weight.

Dieta Okinawa

The Okinawa diet is based on the following style of eating in the island of Okinawa, where the most habitable people of the world live. In addition to other factors, it appears that its traditional form of nutrition should be one of the causes of this longevity. The bases of his diet are the consumption of vegetables – mainly greens and cherries -, derivatives of legumes, soy, good quality grass and poca carne.

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In addition, if this diet does not contain any ultra-processed, avoid the added sugar, saturated grasses and large amounts of sun. No matter what you do with the Mediterranean diet, it is important follow the traditional food patterns and there is no such thing as now, and a small amount has now been consumed and food has not been consumed.

Diet keto

If you have a famous diet this year, it is the keto diet. Hemos escuchado hablar sober ella infinidad de veces. If you are on a diet that can be perfectly healthy, then we must have a series of things: to gain weight, if we follow a diet recommended in a specific way for people with obesity, who can not adapt to everything and can not be for us. Además, is’n aanbevole seguirla siempre bajo control de un nutricionista y médico.

It is said that in the diet cetogenic reduces the consumption of carbohydrates up to 10%. The idea is that, as it were, our body enters into cetosis, which makes it even heavier. Effectively, there is evidence that it works, but it can have a difficult result. We need to keep in mind that we eat a lot of foods that are rich in carbohydrates. Además, if our steps can lead to cetoacidosis, pudiendo ser peligroso. Por ello, you can recommend it that it is a professional control.

Interim Ayuno

Exactly the same as the keto diet, the intermittent one has been eating fast for the last time. So much so that Elsa Pataky has confessed that so much as she married the sigu More than a diet, it follows a dietary pattern. Well done, it can be a perfectly healthy form of nutrition that only we can control our weight, if we do not bring other benefits to our health and metabolism.

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Bestaan ​​varias forms de realizar ayuno intermitente, pero la más habitual es la 16/8. In this form consumes all the calories of the day in eight hours and if there are other 16. To interrogate some intermittent persons some people understand that they are not being treated and others are being treated as if they were in their time. Sondeverbod, ni una cosa ni la otra.

The adequate is that we have a calculation of our daily calorie intake and we complete it in these hours. In addition, although it is intermittent in the diet, for a healthy diet, it is preferable that we avoid ultra-processed, saturated fruits and saturated grasses and our diet in vegetables, fruits, fruits, vegetables.

Diet disociada

Other known diets for following fame like Kate Winslet are the Dissociated Diet. Treat yourself to a diet made by Montignac by dividing the foods into groups based on their nutrients and applying very specific – and complex – rules in which these foods can be consumed. One of the first problems of this diet is that there is no evidence that the support and is, simply, based on the tests that Montignac had with his family.

To gain weight, we need to keep in mind that it is a very difficult diet to follow because the majority of foods have more than one nutrient, some of which are incompatible with this diet. It does not have to be something that is saludable, but the reality is that we do not have high food habits at large and have not shown evidence to actually help the person.

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Dieta perrikoon

One of the things that happens with the most famous diets is that the following people are known and, therefore, popularized. This is the case of the Perricone diet which, in our country, has a very strong connection with the diet that follows the Queen Letizia. If you follow a diet prepared by dermatologist Nicholas Perricone, with what you can take care of the skin, at the same time, you can help you lose weight.

To see a plan of three days with menus ya cerrados u otro plan de 28 días in that we can choose the ones that come, among them – strong – restrictions: the foods that contain omega 3, some fruits, herbs, seeds, dried fruits, whole grains and species. In addition, you can consume refined ointments, added sugars or alcohol. But also there are forbidden otros like oranges, sandia, papaya, mango, bananas, uvas, zanahorias, calabaza or potatoes.

Follow a diet on what it is reduce calorie consumption up to 1,200 and in that what we are getting is quite restricted – some things without reason-. By the way, we can lose weight and have nothing to lose weight.

But you can make sure that you do not consume the necessary nutrients or that the consumption of enough calories is not enough. In addition, there is a difficult diet to maintain a large space, which we do not teach new habits and which we have not shown evidence to help our skin better.

Dieta tallarines shirataki

In the world of diets there are options for all tastes, but this is probably one of the most lame. The diet of the shirataki tallarines consists of a diet based on one of the tallarines (and noodles) which, in theory, helps us to eat more and eat less. Treat yourself to a glucanano-flavored pasta that retains water and does not burn calories. Al consumirlos se hinchan en el estómago, saciándonos más.

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The reality is that, although glucomanano has shown evidence to help lose weight in very specific conditions, these are impossible replicas that begin with them. In principle, it is tendrilan that is the only one that we are concerned about, keeping in mind that it does not contain nutrients, we will take care of a malnutrition.

Además, son muy aburridos ya que no saben a nada y se suelen acompañar con salsas que, al finale, resultan muy calóricas. Do not hesitate to no it is sustainable to largo plazo is a restrictive and unsatisfactory result. Do not forget about the high price that you have.

Dieta Sirtfood

If the diet is treated with what, in theory, the singer Adele has lost weight. According to the singer’s own diet, this dietary style allows you to consume only 1,000 calories a day. If a small amount of water is treated. In principle it has two phases: in the first place only three green beans are consumed during the day cubriendo a total of 1,000 calories during these days.

In the second phase, the pods consume 1,500 calories and the pods combine the foods with solid foods. Estos zumos podrían llevar boerenkool, kúrcuma, manzana, cítricos, nueces, olive aceite, perejil, café, vint tinto y chocolate. In any case, the consumption of calories is extremely bad and can lead to problems – by not worrying about the risk that this diet will cause -.

Además, we do not teach ourselves to be salutable and, since we are dying and we are to come to normal, we want to win the lost weight. In addition, alcohol consumption is a major factor in any healthy diet.

Dieta frutariana

Fruit is an essential food in any healthy diet that is precise. If we try to consume fruit in our diet it is better to eat. It is not necessary to say that it can be the only food that we consume and it is, precisely, that it proposes the fruitful diet. We need to keep in mind that even though fruit has many good nutrients and vitamins, it does not have all these.

Foods alone based on fruit reduce the risk of presenting a deficiency in protein, calcium and fat, trying to provoke muscle loss, sarcopenia, renal failure, deficiencies in controlling our temperature, problems with the absorption of vitamins, vitamin B12 deficiency , etc. It’s a very small diet.

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