These are the most happy countries in the world in 2021

(CNN) – Decide that the past year has been difficult for the people of all the world is underestimated.

The covid-19 pandemic alone has provoked the deaths of more than 2.6 million people around the world, although it has also caused a great deal of shock in the daily life of many of us.

Pero a pesar de los devastadores eventos los lolestimos 12 meses y el consiguiente deterioro de la salud sal in varios destinen, no ha habido cambios en el primer lugar civando se trata de clasificas lais pasis mes felices del mundo.

For the second year in a row, Finland occupies the first place in the annual list based on the Gallup World Cup, followed by Iceland, Denmark, Switzerland and the Netherlands in the second, third, fourth and fifth positions, respectively.

While the United States subdues 18 to 14 and the United Kingdom 13 to 18, Australia occupies 12.

“We urgently need to learn covid-19,” said Jeffrey Sachs, co-editor of Prof. Center for the Sustainable Development of Columbia University.

“The pandemic is affecting our global ambient facilities, the urgent need to cooperate and the difficulties of logging cooperation in every country and throughout the world.”

Movements in the list of the most happy countries

Iceland is the second largest city in the world.

It should be noted that the World Health Information Report 2021 has recovered in a manner that differs significantly from the coronavirus.

Solo investigators will not be able to complete interviews with each other in various lands, but will also have to exchange the cases for complete centralization in the relationship between the property and the covid-19.

The information is mainly based on the levels of GDP, life expectancy, generosity, social support, freedom and aggression in corruption since its launch in 2012.

Although it has some changes in the top 10, such as Iceland, which subdivides the second quarter of the list in the list and Norway, which has five quintiles in the fourth place, the classification was surprisingly similar to the previous year in its mayor’s party, which is considered a positive signal.

“Surprisingly, no hubo, in promedio, a dissemination in the estate when mediated by the proprietary evaluation of the life of the persons”, said the professor of the University of British Columbia, John Helliwell, who also contributed to the information.

“A plausible explanation is that the people in the covid-19 as an external commune like that affected everyone and that they had generated a mayor who felt solidarity and companirism”.

Other notable moves in the list included in Germany, which passed from the 17th of September to the last year.

Croatia, which finds itself among the destinations where powder can be realized cara a cara, passes from page 79 to 23 in the list.

The confidence factor

Norway occupies the octave place, just above New Zealand.

Investigators say that it is not surprising that Finland has maintained its primary position for a long time, and that the northern part of the country has always occupied a detached place in which it respects mutual trust.

Confidence is recognized as one of the main factors that help protect people during the pandemic, as well as confidence in governments.

For example, Brazil’s mortality rate is significantly higher than that of Singapore, a source that attributes information in particular to the difference in public confidence in each country’s governor.

Also, America and Europe have many more deaths by covid-19 than Asia Oriental, Australasia and Africa.

The information suggests that the premeditation of the population of a country, even if it is an island, and its proximity to other countries are highly contagious factors that contribute to the disparity between world-class mortality rates.

Curiously, the cultural differences, as the governing woman was a woman, were also signaled as important considerations in including the outcome of the strategies against covid-19, along with the inequality of ingress and the conquest of knowledge in epidemic.

“The experience of Asia Oriental has shown that governmental political austerity alone does not control covid-19 in an effective manner, even though it also has a negative impact on diarrheal infections in the happiness of individuals,” said Professor Shun Wang informe, del Instituto de Desarrollo de Korea.

Although the exit programs in various countries have created a very necessary impetus for many, the confinements, the social distance, the use of mascara and the restrictions on the travel of its integral part of living with the virus, and these do not contain account the economic implications.

Impact of covid on the well-being

Austria completes the top 10 of the classified countries as the most happy of the world.
ALEX HALADA / AFP Travels with Getty Images

As a result, the information found that declining in mental health was immediately mediated in many countries, including the United Kingdom, where the number of mental health problems reported was 47% higher in May 2020 than it was before -19.

Quizas as it was to be hoped for, the World News on 2021 happiness also found that the confinements and social distance greatly affect the well-being of the labor force.

According to the recovered data, those who do not work will be issued a license or despair and will be sent only on the eve of the pandemic, 43% less than those who are only sent to work.

“My previous investigation shows that happy workers are 13% more productive,” said Professor Jan-Emmanuel De Neve, director of the Oxford University Biennial Research Center, another information collaborator.

“This document demonstrates that happiness is not driven by pay and that social connections and the sense of identity are its most important.

“Estos hallazgos apuntan hacia un futuro futuro ‘hybrid’, con un equilibrio entre la vida de oficina y el Trabajo desde hogar para mantener las social conexiones mientras se guarantee la flexibility op la trabajadores».

Of the 149 countries listed in the report, Afghanistan was classified as the most populous one, followed by Zimbabwe, Rwanda and Botswana.

The lower end of the list is mainly subdeveloped nations giving themes such as political conflicts and prevalent armies, which have been around for some time.

“This is a very challenging year, but the first dates also show some notable signs of resilience in the sentiments of social connection and life evaluations,” said Lara Aknin, associate professor of information at the University of Simon Fraser.

The 20 happiest countries of the world 2021

1. Finland

2. Iceland

3. Denmark

4. Switzerland

5. Netherlands

6. Sweden

7. Germany

8. Norway

9. New Zealand

10. Austria

11. Israel

12. Australia

13. Ireland

14. United States

15. Canada

16. Czech Republic

17. Belgium

18. United Kingdom

19. China

20. France
