These are the lands where, from this moon, they can travel through Avianca

    EFE / MARCELO SAYÃO / Archive

Due to the pandemic, the restrictions in various countries have been increased, with the end of which travelers can enter without affecting public health. For that, Avianca Holdings suspends 24 international routes, in its majority in Suramerica, in countries such as El Salvador, Panama, Ecuador and Guatemala, as well as the flights in the United States of Europe are also limited, desde hoy.

“Debate the new restrictions on ingress in some countries, and the mayor will interrogate our travelers as a consequence of Covid-19, we will adjust our itineraries,” Avianca said in a statement.

Sondeverbod, is a temporary medium since the company announced that the routes will be corrected by agreement with the evolution of the pandemic, in some cases during the first semester and in others, during the second semester, clarifies that, by the way, dichas connections will not be closed indefinitely and in some cases will be returned from April.

Debido exists because of passengers who bought the airline tickets in advance with the tickets that Affected passengers tend to have the option of realizing itinerary or route to a common point without penalty of penalty or tariff difference.

Las rutas skors son:

Desde y hacia Bogotá: Barcelona (Spain), London (England), Curazao, San Juan (Puerto Rico), La Paz and Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bolivia), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), Asuncion (Paraguay), Montevideo (Uruguay), Fort Lauderdale and Orlando (EE. UU. And Panama.

From Cali to Medellin: Madrid (Spain).

From Central America: San Salvador-Newark and EE. UU. (this route is indefinitely suspended from February), San Salvador-Dallas (EE. UU.), San Salvador-Toronto (Canada) and Panama-San José (Costa Rica), among others.

Avianca also recently announced that tickets with tariff L or XL will include the PCR test or antigen for Covid-19. Rates S, M or XL tend to be up to 28% on the Covid-19 PCR test or up to 13% on the antigen test. Additionally, the XXL number includes free trial domicile.

To travel in Europe the people needed will have a time higher than 20 days, since it requires more than The permanent passengers in a minimum of 14 days during the holidays the authorities of the different countries are verifying that this is a city and, moreover, the state of health of the tourists.

On the other hand, women enter if a negative PCR test is required for covid-19 with a minimum of 72 hours of travel time. It is also possible that if the weight is given to those who believe that five days have passed, a second exam will be held at the end of which it will be contagious in the tray.

In the United States The passengers will be presented at the airline in Colombia and later in the United States, a coronavirus negative PCR test, no puede ser ni de antígenos, ni de sangre. The document must be forwarded to the maximum with three advance days on the road and by a reconnaissance laboratory.

Además, demand to the tourists or citizens that ingresen in the country deben hacer quarentena preventive. Following Gobierno’s recommendation, international travelers should stay for 7 days. Including the proof that the presentation is negative.


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