These are the fundamental issues of the migration reform impelled by Biden in the Congress

Democrat congressmen will present this year the announced project of President Migration’s reform reform, Joe Biden, which proposes to bring a truck to the city of 11 million undocumented.

Treat yourself to more ambitious migration reform in the history of the country, dicen quienes han redactado el plan, cuyo objective goal es otorgar el mayor alivio possible a la mayor mayor cantidad de gente. The motion was presented in the Senate by Bob Menéndez, Democrat in New Jersey, and in the Chamber of Deputies / Linda Sánchez, Democrat in California.

Conspiracies that the project will end up in a long-running opposition on the part of Republicans, Democrats and he planted divide into parts, according to confirmed photos from Casa Blanca to Telemundo News.

These are the most debilitating elements of the conocida like Ley de Ciudadanía de 2021:

  • La ciudadanía en tres años

The bus project will provide the residential of intermediate means and the ciudadanía in three years to dromers, beneficiaries of TPS and agricultural workers. Although Casa Blanca has not stated all the requirements, it has been reported that women have applied to the country antes del 1 de enero de 2021.

In addition to the undocumented, the plant reform of work permits and the possibility of housing the permanent residence for five years, and the city of three years later.

The Biden Administration is also looking to increase the number of immigrants admitted to the country, which now has a top 7%, up to 20%, which benefits those who have a mayoral number process.

Migrating cruising the Río Bravo to reach out to state authorities and seek asylum, on the frontier between United States of Mexico and Ciudad Juarez and El PasoAP
  • End of the penalty for having entered the country illegally

Another untenable aspect of migration reform is what plants eliminate penalties for having illegally entered the country. There is currently a ban on entry into the country between the ages of 10 and 10 when women enter illegally.

The bus project reduce the reunification time verktoud, which can actually be delayed up to 20 years (the time when a family member can ask for a visa in order to be reunited with her or her at EE.UU.).

The project has provided me with the most resources for juices and support staff, as well as a legal orientation for all immigrants. Prevé también legal assessment for children vulnerable individuals.

It also eliminates the limit of one year for presenting a case of asylum and proportionate funding to the Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS, by its seal in English) to reduce the return of applications.

The Gobierno wants to create a fifty-year pilot program to estimate economic development and give authority to the Department of National Security (DHS, by its seal in English) to apply for visas for immigrants or any other condition.

E-verify, the DHS electronic system that allows employers to verify the migratory status of their employees will be voluntary, per there will be no obligation. Until now, its use is mandatory in some states and for companies that have contracts with the federal government, but optional for the rest.

With this, the Gobierno bus will increase the protections for immigrants who denounce labor violations, as well as increase the sanctions for the employers who contracted and exploited the documents and documented workers.

For the Gobierno werklike, the Donald Trump Administration is located in the wall and does not wait for the causes of immigration. His objective now is kear 4 000 million dollars to fight corruption om in four years and invest in technology to detect the contraband in the entrance gates.

The Administration will increase the visa of the diversity lottery of 55,000 an 80,000.

As has been announced, the proposal will replace the dictionary alien (extranjero, in spain, no such as including extraterrestrials) by the term non-citizen (no ciudadano, in español).

The use of the term alien in English to refer to an extraterrestrial person has been criticized by groups defending the rights of immigrants by its negative and dehumanizing connotation.

  • What will be the strategy of the White House?

Casa Blanca’s spokespersons did not respond to a request for comment from the Administration, which will impose its project on them by means of a reconciliation process, a medium that allows to study the umbrella habitat of 60 votes in the Senate. It should only be noted that, at the moment, it is time to speculate about it and that we will focus on the presentation of the project in the Capitol.

Tampoco aclararon if the Casa Blanca is open to accept the intentions of the republicans. Solo signal that the president is willing to work with anyone who is willing to advance.

  • Great expectation between the Latin community

The Latin community received with great anticipation the proposal … and with considerable nervousness. For the beneficiary of TPS José Palma, the strategy of everything or nothing to what the apostates did to the Democrats in the past bankrupt. “We will start with what we can log on as soon as possible and then we will come together to protect our entire community”, said Palma to Telemundo News.

Erika Andiola, promotional leader of the organization RAICES, celebrates the project of the people who advocated that hace falta advance more. “The introduction of this project is a symbolic gesture, but it is not enough to protect people like you, my family and my community,” he said.

“We need a leader who guarantees that he has a truck before the victory this year,” he added. Andiola considers that a key step has been taken for the Democrats to use all the provisions in their disposition to “promote protection to the immigrant community without depending the Trump party and compromising with a mayor’s inhumane application of the city”.
