These are the best values ​​to protect your intestinal health, as a medical specialist

In the last few months we have seen the opportunity to know a lot more about the strained relationship between intestinal health and the optimal functioning of the whole organism. It is known that a good intestinal health is synonymous with an immunological force and is a key factor in the prevention of diseases. Finally the intestine is responsible for llevar a cabo functional functions vital, how to decompose foods and absorb nutrients to maintain balance. It also takes care of energy production and the elimination of waste.

The good functioning of the intestine depends on adequate balance Bacterial differences to digest foods and prevent any type of infections and inflammations. However, this information does not surprisingly suggest that the small intestinal health is related to a mayor risk chronic illness, reduction of immunity and including depression and depression.

It is because of this that you pay special attention to the quality of the foods what we consume is important. Hecho lo comemos puede afectar en gran medida los typos de bacterias que viven en nuerstro body. As there are potentially dainty foods, there is another magnificent ally; tal is the particular case of the verduras. In such a way that we are able to recover valuable information from specialists to determine the best health benefits for intestinal health. Toma nota.

The first thing we should mention is that we go for a healthy gut, it’s a diarrhea battle. Según declarations of Dr. Brent Acker, internal medicine physician Center for Digestive and Hygienic Health in Savannah, Georgia, it is normal for the human gut to be home to many types of bacteria, both good and bad. What succeeds and is what makes it possible to vary from person to person, is for example that there are people with major amounts of methane producing bacteria and they are related to the appearance of gastrointestinal symptoms such as gas and diarrhea. In such a way that it does not come as a surprise that the key recommendation of the specialists, to increase the good bacteria in the intestine and combat the possible digestive disorders: es consume a variety of nutritious foods, such as fruits and vegetables (and in some cases, take probiotics).

What are the best values ​​for intestinal health?

All of them were addressed to the mayor with seriousness, about the best variants of verduras to potentiate intestinal health. It is said that the simple hecho of growing more based on plants, it means fruits, herbs, seeds and legumes, benefits the intestinal health significantly. The reason is simply to treat rich foods in nutrients and fiber, which is a great help in feeding the good intestinal bacteria.

The good news is that it has been proven that it can be a good ally and the main recommendation is to opt for those that shine through it high content in antioxidants. Y el claro ejemplo son los green grass vegetables, as is the case of variants as; spinach, acelgas, col rice and otras from the family of the “green ones”.

Cabe mentions that there are powerful reasons for those who lose the green skin and the intestinal health of the man. How reference is made to Scientific investigation, in that it is proven that the green hairs contain a molecule of sugar called sulfokinovose which is essential to promote good intestinal bacteria. While increasing the amount of good bacteria in the gut, these limit the capacity of malignant bacteria to reproduce and focus on the digestive tract.

Also integrate these generous vegetables into our diary diet, support bonds without limits. Its a nutritional treasure that is considered a great source of folic acid, vitamin C and vitamin K. In addition, the values ​​of wild earth also fiber replenish, which is one of the most essential nutrients in all good digestive and intestinal health. Fiber does not only facilitate the correct elimination of debris, it is a great help to feed the intestinal insect pests.

The best of all is that the green vegetables of the day are one complete addition senseless and accessible on the diet. Well all types of platelets, they are a magnificent complement to toys, liquids, soaps, creams, salsas, the best base for colors and salads. I was ideal for create the most rich garnishes y van perfecto pasta y arroz. Ahora ya lo sabes es momento de aggrar más verdes en tu dieta y llevar tu salud a otro nivel.
