These are the best exercises to improve heart health

“You have six months to get these numbers under control, or I’ll give you cholesterol medicine.” These were the words my doctor used during a routine examination eight years ago. Three months postpartum and a total cholesterol in the ‘high’ category I knew it was time to get my body moving. Three years before the appointment, my father died suddenly of a heart attack. He struggled with high cholesterol for most of his adult life and lived for several decades with cholesterol-lowering drugs. Although he made some lifestyle changes before his death, it came to little.

After that routine checkup, I cleared out all the excuses, put my heart health first, and returned to the one thing that has always helped control my cholesterol: exercise.

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Why is heart health so important to women?

According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, heart disease is a leading cause of death for women in the United States. Cardiovascular disease causes one in three deaths annually. But this is not even the most frightening statistic: only one in five American women believe that heart disease is one of her biggest threats.

The good news: We are now talking more than ever about this epidemic and striving for better screening, awareness and prevention.

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One tool that is still becoming popular for its benefits for heart health is exercise. This simple and free preventative measure is easily accessible and has endless benefits for your physical and mental health. In addition, it helps manage high blood pressure and cholesterol, reduces the risk of developing high cholesterol and blood pressure, reduces stress and helps you control your weight.

What are some exercises to improve your heart health?

It is not an understatement to say that I literally wanted to run home from the investigation eight years ago. While not hitting the sidewalk that day, I dusted off my running shoes and started walking four to five days a week. After pushing a double stroller for six months, I started running.

Why walk and run? Well, steady aerobic exercise was the only constant in my life that helped control my cholesterol level and consequently lowered my risk of having a heart attack. But any physical activity that moves you, raises your heart rate to a safe level and is sustainable for at least 30 minutes will bring health benefits to your heart. And the experts agree.

Dr. Amnon Beniaminovitz, a cardiologist at Manhattan Cardiology, says the heart likes to be aerobically challenged. For heart health benefits, he recommends aerobic exercise, including walking, jogging, swimming or cycling. “One of the simplest, positive changes you can make to effectively improve your heart health is to start walking,” he says. She knows. It is pleasant, free, easy, social and good exercise.

Plus, “aerobic exercise lowers blood pressure, raises good HDL cholesterol and lowers bad LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, improves glucose uptake and lowers your body fat percentage,” said Dr. Nieca Goldberg, a cardiologist and medical director of the Joan H. Tisch Center for Women’s Health at NYU Langone Medical Center, tells She knows.

“If you have high blood pressure over time, it can lead to a stiff heart that has to work harder,” Beniaminovitz explains. A hard-working heart requires more energy and is more susceptible to damage if the blood supply is low or obstructed.

If you have high cholesterol, it also causes blocked arteries, which can lead to a heart attack. Beniaminovitz says aerobic exercise reduces the rate of abnormal heart rhythms by training the heart to be less sensitive and responsive to stimulation.

But it is not just aerobic exercise that benefits our hearts. Resistance or strength training is also important in the fight against heart disease in women. Lifting weights or using your body weight for resistance increases blood flow and can lead to longer blood pressure control. That’s why Carol Michaels, a nationally recognized exercise specialist and founder of Recovery Fitness, uses it with her clients.

Michaels also boasts of the benefits of resistance exercises to increase muscle mass, which will help control weight. She says that your resistance or strength training programs should include exercises that should strengthen every major muscle group, such as squats, lungs, leg lifts, boards, push-ups and numerous core strengthening exercises.

How much exercise is needed for heart health benefits?

All you need is 30 minutes of physical activity five days a week to reap the benefits of this heart-healthy prescription for wellness. If 30 minutes is too much at a time, you might consider splitting it into smaller sections of two 15-minute sessions.

Furthermore, the American Heart Association says that people who would benefit from lowering their blood pressure or cholesterol should participate in aerobic exercise three to four times a week for 40 minutes. It seems to be ideal to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

This is the minimum for optimal health. Beniaminovitz actually tells his patients to exercise daily. He suggests a combination of 40 minutes of moderate to strong intensity aerobic exercise three to four times a week – and on non-aerobic days some core training or resistance exercises – as the best combination.

But also keep in mind that even better exercise is nothing – your heart will appreciate the effort!

A version of this story was published in April 2018.

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