these are the arguments of the defense and the accusation in the political juice against donald trump | News Univision Politica

This is the second trial in Trump, one of three mandates he has the object of accusation, but who holds the record of mayor’s number of accusations in his contra heels by the legislative body in more than two signs of history. Trump has two brothers, one of Bill Clinton (1993-2001) and Andrew Jonhson (1865-1869).

Last week, the group of representatives that will act as the administrators of the indictment, or the tax authorities, to present the case before the constituents in jurisdiction delineate the strategy that will be followed by the executor if it is necessary to launch a directive to his followers responsible for the death of 5 people this day.

“President Trump’s conduct should be declared unacceptable in the most clear and inequitable terms. This is not a partisan theme. His actions directly organize the same foundation on all sides of the political debates and the disqualified ones will develop (amb) Also, we will organize the constitutional system that protects the fundamental freedoms that we appreciate “, is indicated in the text presented by the Democrats.

The defense attorneys present their arguments in the same way as the president: he is not responsible for the actions that commences his supporters. However, the constitutionality of the process must be questioned, making it clear that the Senate has jurisdiction over a particular citizen such as Trump.

Although many Republicans, such as Mitt Romney or Lisa Murkowsky, have agreed to the ‘impeachment’ and have disputed the lawsuit filed by the Senate, and others, such as Micth McConnell, have challenged the strategy of fraud that led to the Capitol’s march Trump, it is possible to have a final agreement with the president.

