these are all the secrets and references of the first episode

The first episode of WandaVision presents a classic sitcom with many secret secrets. Here are all the things we can find out.

With the WandaVision train, we inaugurated the new phase of the Marvel Cinematographic Universe, where we will be able to see the events that awaited Avengers Endgame, all through a very interesting sitcom about Wanda and Vision being a happy couple.

Curiously and as it is, there are many secrets in the first episode that all need to know and here we present them in continuation.

August 23 in the calendar

The tram of the first episode will take place on August 23, while the Vision’s boss, Sen. Hart, will visit them to screen. But the case may be a reference to the important things.

The first is that, using the European way of closing down, it’s like the 23/8 and the 238 issue of The Avengers comic presents us a Vision in coma, who received help from the new avenger (in these entities) called Starfox. This avenger connects the vision of Vision with ISAAC, a super computer that exists in the moon of Titan and with which it logs to reveal its state.

Lamentably, be in contact with ISAAC vuelve inestable to Vision, whoever intends to take control of the planet Tierra by means of the red computer that exists on the planet.

If ISAAC is a computer located on another planet and which pertains to the Eternals, which is related to the series an external amenity on the planet Earth.

Curiously, it is possible to be the one who cares about Vision and the reason why he finds himself alive in the series, tal vez su consciencia está atrapada en ISAAC y al final de la serie sera Wanda quien deba frenar a Vision antes de se se quiera apoderar de la Tierra … o no.

WandaVision makes a secret and references

SWORD lo mira todo

We will follow the finale of the episode, where we can see that some are coming from the series of shows that will be secret installations. This is the SWORD base is a very similar organization to SHIELD that seeks to protect the Earth before any external outreach can take place in this.

If the reference to ISAAC is correct, then SWORD’s appearance is still true to the meaning of the world, pues estarían observant a los dos antiguos vengadores en caso de que algo salga mal y decidan hacer daño a la Tierra, or simply if it is regressed to this world.

WandaVision makes a secret and references

House of M y Avengers dissolved

This complete series is a reference to the comics, in which Wanda deserves to be able to have sex with Vision, with whom she is married and term alternating reality to the degree that mata has many of its companions, herleef to heroes and villains by equal and term matando also to different Vision.

Log tener hijos con Vision al final de cuentas, si, pero pierde el control de sus poderes, por lo que his vengeance friends intend to help, but to disgrace his heifers is quite complicated, then it was what she most wanted in the world.

Si has led Avengers Demontage y House of M I know that this series is not going to have a happy ending, then the idea of ​​having teners has been planted, and it is precisely their babies who appear in the comic. Surely the end of this will be completely tragic and will be based on the Multiverse of Dr. Strange. This is the best theme and the link.

WandaVision makes a secret and references

Refer to an Antiguas Sitcom

As you can see, the series is made in an ancient format, to the extent that it is white and black. The interesting thing about this is that make reference to at least one sitcom with a theme similar to that which appeared some years ago on television.

These series nrs present to happy creatures with magical powders, these are Mi Bella Genio and Hechizada. In both series the always beautiful things is a control of grace thanks to the situations of the day and the day and is repaired by the art of magic, literally, by a woman with supernatural powers.

Sin duda has a very similar theme, but adding the hecho of that here, the esposo also has powders, the series is getting more interesting. Another day we will see the secrets of episode 2 and 3.

WandaVision makes a secret and references
