These are ALL THE POLICIES of Andrea Legarreta as the conductor of HOY

Para nadie is a secret that the conductor of the program Hoy, Andrea Legarreta is one of the great figures of Mexican television, in large part due to its exits not in the morning of the television of San ngel.

Without embarrassment, the former does not want to find out where the scandals lie; The latest report has been leaked to some members of the public, including a video posted by Nath Campos, who denounced a sexual assault case against him.

In the transmission, the star of the matutino makes sure that something like the “onda” sacaban, which provokes a sin of comments against her and her two daughters, Ma y Nina Rubn.

One of his scandals ms sonados fue when he issued his opinion on forr, can make sure that if this type of money sub its value in our affect, it provokes that it converts to objects of memes and burls.

Sin lugar a dudas, otro de las polmicas que protagoniz fue cuando Alfredo Adame asegur que engaaba a su esposo, Erik Rubn, a quien presuntamente conocan como “El Unicornio” en los pasillos de la televisora.

There have been controversies that have been brewing since about the rampage in Plaza Artz, where it is questionable that he should not open his gymnasium to the lamenters who have killed hundreds of people.
