“There is no time to judge”

| 22/02/2021 – 17:33 (GMT-4)

The Cuban presenter Carlos Otero pidió a sus amigos y seguidores unirse en oración por la salud del reguetonero Chocolate MC, que suffered a serious accident in the south of Florida is domingo and has serious lesions in the column.

Otero también signal that it is the moment of unirse por the vida de otro ser humano, y no de juzgar o criticar.

“Pido has my friends in social media unirnos en oración van Chocolate Mc, who was hospitalized while suffering from a car accident in Tampa. Según report sufre grafte daños en la columna vertebrale nivel 7 (hemorragia) en cervical. It’s not the time to judge, it’s to be heard by the human being. Thank you all “, the presenter wrote in his social speeches.

Many of the followers of Carlos Otero reacted to his parable: “It is a human cavalry, we are not able to judge, give him property and the life of his bed”, “So we write to him, it is written in speeches like no ten compassion with a human being “,” Who recovers immediately. Power, positive energy and that the medical team encounters sabiduria “,” I am not my admirer but I am a human being and from the moment I enter his accident the pain to God que cuide mucho él “,” No es hora de criticar ni desearle el mal a nadie sino de ponder el Pensamiento Positivo para que la Salud de un ser humano no corre peligro “.

The family, friends, colleagues and followers of the artist are anguished with the news and pendants of Rey’s salute. Sondeverbod, some of them harmed those approved to criticize the questioner for grabbing directly while entering the hospital.

“It’s not for what reason he’s living, he’s wanting to integrate into his audience, but he’s not playing a strategy or anything he’s saying. He’s bad (…) Yosvani is not good, Yosvani “It’s a serious situation and I’m sorry to my fellow colleagues that it’s the moment of unity. Although it’s its differences, it’s the moment to support it,” says the much-maligned regent, who meets with Chocolate in Tampa.

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