“There is no corruption”: AMLO report – mayor recamming money for social programs

López Obrador transmits his first message of the year 2021 in his social speeches (Photo: Twitter / @ lopezobrador_)
López Obrador transmits his first message of the year 2021 in his social speeches (Photo: Twitter / @ lopezobrador_)

Andrés Manuel López Obrador, President of Mexico, reported a mayor reshuffle in 2020 pese a la pandemia, además, que has authorized the application for social programs and strategic projects like Felipe Ángeles and the Maya Airport.

In its first post of 2021, el mandatario dijo que la Hacienda Pública obtuvo 4 billion 106 million pounds over the past year, that is, 65 million millions more than in 2019. For that matter, Mexico has healthy finances. Equally increased the tax collection on Pensions with a trillion 761 million and increased the IVA contribution by 2.3%, that is to say, 987 million millions.

Aggregate that in its governing body has no condonation or increase in taxes, such as endowment, as well as attribution to the formula for not allowing corruption. Accepting that the economic recovery advances with length, but the trend is positive.

To support this idea, destacó that inflation rose to 3.2 points during the first quarter of December; in addition, the Mexican mezcla of the barrel of petroleum contributed $ 46.46 in the international market.

The mandate states that economic reactivation is slow (Photo: Captura de pantalla)
The mandate states that economic reactivation is slow (Photo: Captura de pantalla)

Pero admitted that in December a loss of employees and the attribution to outsource, esquema que segun el mandatario, allow workers to work until the end of the year for non-payment.

“As I said in my mouth, well well ibamos, perdimos con la pandemia alrededor de un million om employees and ya llevábamos recuperados 600 mil, but in December, that is my atypical, since that is famous outsourcing, the subcontracting, many workers are enrolled in the Social Security in order to receive benefits, in order to receive benefits., good, and we will lose for this motive in December, nevertheless, we will meet with my busy employees, we lost 277 miles of jobs”, Dijo en su mensaje.

The president pretends que, in the first three months of 2021, sean recovered 650 miles lost work, until the finals of March the working situation is in precarious conditions due to the pandemic, it is said, with the registration of 20 million 500 million people and formal activities.

On the other hand, López Obrador lists all the authority authorized for social programs and construction of work that will take place in 2021.

AMLO predicts that jobs lost in December 2020 will be recovered in the first quarter of 2021 (Photo: EFE / Shenka Gutiérrez)
AMLO predicts that jobs lost in December 2020 will be recovered in the first quarter of 2021 (Photo: EFE / Shenka Gutiérrez)

Nothing about this is credited. Everything is federal presumption, all that can be done when maneja with honor the presumption that is money of the people”, Refirió.

From a studio in his home in Tlalpan, the Chief Executive Officer said the Tabasco Boss Refinery, 45 million 50 million pesos (MDP) approved. Mientras que The Maya Train has projected 41 million guests at 852 million; and for the airport Felipe Ángeles can drive 38 miles 646 million.

De igual manera, López Obrador reports that the support for major adult pensions is guaranteed, which will increase inflation by inflation. This year the plan benefits 8 million 7 million people with 135 million 662 million people.

Para Jóvenes Construyendo el Futuro, labor camp incorporation program, a guest of 20 miles 600 million pounds is provided y apoyar a 409 mil ciudadanos entre los 18 y 29 años. The President hizo a llamado to this sector for enrolling and not “dejarse enganchar” in the crime organized.

‘N Su vez, the Sembrando Vida program will offer a guest of 28 mil 929 million people, destined for the benefit of 424 miles of producers who cultivate around one million hectares of fertile and fertile crops.

The resources for work are authorized, as are social programs (Photo: Cortesia of the Presidency of Mexico)
The resources for work are authorized, as are social programs (Photo: Cortesia of the Presidency of Mexico)

When it comes to becaso, the support for 310 mil universities are approved 10 mil 176 million pounds. Mientras que para 4 million 96 mil alumni of bachillerato fueron authorized 33 mil mdp. Además, has a guest of 31 mil 937 mdp para 3 millones 686 mil scholares del basas nivel. While the 140 universities of Benito Juárez are worth millions of pounds.

Y para el Bienestar Bank, which is planning the construction of 2,600 leased lines in marginalized areas, is predicted to have 10,500 million pesos.

About the vacancies against COVID-19, López Obrador stated that he was destined for 32 million pounds. Pues se han dado anticipos a pharmacamuticas to guarantee 120 mil dose and that no Mexican should receive the treatment. For this year they are approved 25 mil 684 million additional to the 7 mil driven in adelanto.

To guarantee The free medicine and tener all the sums required for the vacation, are offered 10 mil mdp.

Para marzo serán vacunados todos los adultos mayores, según AMLO (Foto: EFE / Miguel Sierra)
Para marzo serán vacunados todos los adultos mayores, según AMLO (Foto: EFE / Miguel Sierra)

You have this 2nd year, according to the mandate dates, Mexico has 53 million 625 doses of vacant contrast against COVID-19, the las cuales has 32 million 824 a staff that is on the first line of battle attending coronavirus nurses. Adelantó que 50 million doses in January and three weeks later, a million 400 miles more to protect women waiting for sanitation.

In the finals of March, we will serve the evacuees to all the mayor of 60 years, all. April we start with those who are less edad, with chronic illnesses and master masters and asians, we think that we should not miss the vacancies and it’s going to help a lot to sell this pesadilla, “This sanitary crisis, this pandemic that caused us so much suffering,” the president predicted.

López Obrador comment that the finals of this year will start the vaccination against the major adults with the treatment of Cansino, cuya injection only is a time. If yes, the application is voluntary, the Mexican State is obligated to guarantee the antidote to all.

For the most part, the president commands an optimistic message in the confidence that Mexico will provide for and alleviate the crisis, both sanitation and economics.


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