There are options of actors to interpret Armando Gómez in the Gloria Trevi bioserie

The next year, Television starts the grabs de la tan esperada y comentada bioserie of the song Gloria Trevi, on behalf of the producer producer Carla Estrada.

And even the audience and the castings for all the characters are done in total hermetismo, pues quieren dar la notice por tode lo alto, on TV Notes ya tenemos algunos datos en exclusive.

And it’s a person looking for the producer’s office, we account for them numbers of the actors that suenan fuerte para personally an Armando Gómez, empresario, esposo y manager of Gloria, son 3 reconocidos actors.

bioserie gloria trevi esposo armando gomez

And we refer to Luis Ernesto Franco, which will be the first series to be produced in Television; Kuno Becker, which will be aired on the television 7 years ago, and Alejandro de la Madrid, which has a solid career in action and which we will also see in the second season of the ‘Monarca’ series.

The series of possible choices are:

bioserie gloria trevi esposo

Have a moment to discuss what other numbers if you want to start the grabs of the series of ‘No Querías Lastimarme’ series, but if it appears to be worthwhile, then the bioserie promises to be a success.

bioserie gloria trevi esposo armando gomez
