“There are no roads”: Doctor Anthony Fauci reveals his plans to evacuate against COVID-19 | Salud | La Revista

The state immunologist for 80 years is the current Medical Assessor Jefe of the President of the United States.

Hace poco, doctor Anthony Fauci, specialist in immunology and rheumatology, working with the portal Business Insider and explained his plans for the next months, when he, his family and many of his friends were evacuated from the COVID-19.

My conduction has changed very much since I received the first dose (Modern) in December 2020, dijo Fauci, paying attention to his oath (80 years)). For example:

  • Now have family reunions at home, pero no to competing places donde la gente se quita la mascara, aunque sea para comer. Antes of eso, saludaba with the vecinos, but with cubrebocas, in exteriors ya distance.
  • No tiene planingo no travel route, although the Centers for Prevention and Control of the Nurses say that the evacuated persons can travel. “When this time comes, I think.”
  • For now, there will be no closed restaurants, applying the same rule to the cinema. Dice que no ve la vacuna como una luz verde to retrieve antique recreational activities.

While working, tampoco has tenido cambios. “He did not have a free day in a year and three months,” said Fauci, who was appointed director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984.

It is a career between vacancy and the possibility of having another child.”, Dijo el médico. As long as more patients are on stage in their return to normal life, it is less likely to have a quarter of an hour.

Fauci estimated that the umbrella of remunition, when there are enough people evacuated or immunized by contagion to mitigate the effects of the virus, it can be between 70 and 85% of the population.

“If we hope for a little, we will raise a point where the protection of the general community for the sake of it is very likely that we will have another”.
