There are also alleged shootings of a terrorist attack in Sweden

Terrorist attack zone in Sweden
Terrorist attack zone in Sweden

At least people and results heridas in a comet attack the fairytales in Vetlanda (to Sweden), that the police invest as “terrorist”.

The life of tres de las victim corre peligro y otras dos stán grafte, following the balance given by nightclubs by the hospital in which there are already waiting, in Jönköping, capital of the region. The other three victims of the revival are living or moderating.

The successful commencement of the 15:00 local time (13:00 GMT), following the diary Dagens Nyheter, when a man turns 20 to 20 years old with a white arm -a hacha or a cookie, depending on the inform- a variety of people in the center of this city of a little over 13,000 inhabitants.

“We have opened a preliminary investigation by intention of homicide, it is the definition of the crime that manejamos. Pero hooi details in the investigation that hacen that indaguemos about possible motives terrorists”, Dijo in the telephone exchange press Melana Grann, police officer in the province of Jönköping.

Ni Grann ni Jonas Lindell, local police chief, explains what class of details is being treated, in addition to informing that the intelligence services (Säpo) are participating in the investigation.

Forensic police are investigating the case of the abduction in Vetlanda, Sweden.  TT News Agency / Mikael Fritzon via REUTERS
Police forensics are investigating the case of the abduction in Vetlanda, Sweden. TT News Agency / Mikael Fritzon via REUTERS

The individual fue reduced and inherited from a waste by an agent, what provoked him to be transferred to a hospital: his condition is short, according to the signal policy that does not present herids that hagan takes for granted and hope to interrogate soon.

The police have tenia filed by minor offenders and is a resident of the region, according to the authorities, who do not specify their nationality. Comedy the attack with a “short army”, according to the police.

The police authorities give specific dates about the individual, salvo that resides in an approximate locality, that has historical tenor for minor delis and that is detached at the moment that contrasts with the collaboration of other people.

The Minister of the Interior, Mikael Damberg, rated “horrible” or “successful” in a communication. “At the moment it is not entirely clear what he has done and what his motives are.”, Agregó.

For his part, the Prime Minister of Sweden, Stefan Lofven, classified the attacks on “acts of aggression”. “We are bringing actions with the combined force of our society”, dijo Lofven to the Swedish news agency TT.

“We remember the question that our existence is secure. Invite a todos send a thought to the victims of the violence and the men and women in health care, the police and the municipality who work to protect the sick and restore security ”, added the Prime Minister.

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The spokesperson for the Police in the Vetland Region, Angelica Israelsson, has stated that Various people are called “grave heredies” and others “alive”, but none are dead.

Authorities, which were vigilant in the hospital while evacuating the attacking attack, initially classified the attack as an “assassination attempt”, but are currently investigating a “terrorist attack”.

No obstacle, Israelsson said that “the motive was not clear” because the man “had not been interrogated”, inform the diary Aftonbladet. The policy ensures that there are no indications that the detainee is being acted upon in the company of other persons and recalls that the situation is currently “low control”.

The security forces will coordinate different zones of the city center -including the central station- and the railway traffic on Vetlanda is suspended temporarily.

Swedish intelligence services considered current the terrorist attack is high. The Scandinavian country has been white with attacks on both occasions in recent years.

Dos agents in the zone in which a terrorist attack with a bullet was reported, in Sweden
Dos agents in the zone in which a terrorist attack with a bullet was reported, in Sweden

In December 2010, a man went to bed a suicide bombing in the center of Estocolmo. Fue assesinado y solo hubo algunos transients are highly heridic.

In April 2017, a asylum seeker uzbeko rachazado y radicalizado atropelló a peatones en Estocolmo con un un truck robado y mató a cinco personas. Fue condenado a perdua perpetua en june de 2018.

With information from AFP, EFE, Europapress, Reuters


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