The zero vote is Ghana to Andrés Arauz in five provinces; en otra, la contienda está reñida | Politics | Notice

The “ideological zero vote”, supported by Pachakutik, was well received in the provinces where his leader, Yaku Pérez, won in the first round.

The “zero ideological vote” is based on the Pachakutik bases. Your leader, Yaku Pérez, is promoting this very last moment. The day of the public elections in social speeches photos of tached paper and when it was time to cover most of the rooms with the lie “Yaku president. Resistance ”.

The message that the mayor repeated Pachakutik’s plan during the ballot campaign, read. In the Sierra Centro, the Austro and the Amazon – where Pérez won in the first wave -, there is no good agreement, according to the results published by the National Electoral Council, with 99.07% of the deeds executed.

Although at the provincial level the zero is not equal to the president-elect, Guillermo Lasso, in five provinces and the votes cast by Andrés Arauz. In other words, the pelea with this is raining and in other places Arauz is impressed with little difference.

There is no vote in Ghana on the correctness of the four provinces of the Sierra Centro (Cotopaxi, Tungurahua, Bolívar and Chimborazo) and in Azuay. In this case, 100% of the acts were scrubbed.

In Morona Santiago, which has 83.9% of the deeds executed, Arauz le lleva la delantera in the zero vote with a difference of 3,672 suffrage. The things in this province have not been defined.

On the other hand, there are no cases of corrective action in Cañar (which has 100% of the escorts), Napo (98.8%), Pastaza (90.8%) and Zamora Chinchipe (100%).
