The words of Susanna Griso against the Spanish MIR

The media presenter of Antena 3, Susanna Griso, has been the focus of criticism on all of the MIRs in this country through an interview with the controversy that the woman protagonized in her Public Speaking program, when she was interviewed by a medical graduate, to which she reproaches is not presented to MIR when more is missing.

The presenter comments on her program that in the year of Covid-19, the number of presenters at the MIR 2021 exam is the lowest in the last years. Example of the theme Griso entrevisto a Sherezade Gallego, que terminated the year passed Medicine and decided not to present to MIR. “For what?”, ha querido saber la presenter.

The young man explained that “he has no sole motive” and that he has “a global compute of many motives” that radicals in “accumulation of seniority”. “We will continue the miserable career because we are suspending the practices we are facing preparation del MIR, some of us will use all the materials because of the confinement of our pill as well as our pill and we will not have vacations between ending the career and empowering the Intensive ”, he related.

The doctor also explained that he studied 12 diaries and that, due to the pandemic, he did not have any breaks or distraction due to the fact that the mayor did not have time to do so. “And accumulated a lot of time studied without any kind of distraction.”

Explaining the more coherent explanation of the medicine, Griso cargo against it: , he holds libraries closed by Covid, he holds that he studies telematically, he does not know all the practices’. Is not the time to do the MIR and approve this moment of aunt’s request to intend to take the exam? ”, has asked Griso.

The young man replied that he did not deserve medical treatment: “There is no medical treatment. There are many medical places to study, but it is an embarrassment. There are a lot of places per lieu for formation and a total of 7,000 places “, replied Sherezade, recording that in Spain, to own as a doctor it is mandatory to do the MIR.

But the presenter considers that he does not have enough of the 13,000 doctors who are present this year. “If you are in the private sector making a substitution, that you are not in your home, you will not lose the time this year, but for the time being, man, the experience of working one year, with Covid, with the hospitals absolutely saturated by the pandemic, creo that merece the pen vivirla, ¿nee? ”.

“When we experience in this life everything happens through this study, all those who have studied Periodism now have all the guards of the world. We can understand our motives, but, of green, if we do not present this year the next no days of doing. And it can not be that we are in this moment all the bolsas vacia ”, has finalized the presenter, without sending to the invited doctor, comparing the career of Periodismo, donde no es necesario hacer ningún examen te te habilite como professional, with the career of Medicine.

Weather reactions

From the MIR España Association he led all the critics to the presenter to consider that his words were “adjusted” and the “manipulation”. Además, tal y como recuerda la vocal de MIR en Amyts, Sheila Justo, “is onvoorstelbaar aprobar el MIR más de 16.000 aspirantes para menos de 8.000 plazas para eigencer la Medicina”.

Another doctor asks if “Does it feel good to be present at a place? Because 4,000 physicians are on duty without being present and taking the exam ”.

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