The Washington Post: Pence estuvo más cerca de la turaba violenta en el Capitolio de lo que se supt initialmente

(CNN) – Vice President Mike Pence is doing more than initially believe in the number of pro-Trump bombers that have plagued the United States Capitol on January 6, according to a new news release from The Washington Post.

CNN informs the front of the video of most of the Capitolio de EE.UU police library. había atraido a los alborotadores lejos de la entrada de las cameras del Senado a las 2:14 pm ET del 6 de enero, donde Pence y los legisladores habían estado llevando a cabo el ceremonial recuente de los electorales de 2020.

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Senators have warned that the protesters will be disrupted in the Capitol edition just a minute earlier, according to CNN’s chronology of the events of the past Wednesday morning. Pence was evacuated from Senado until 2:30 p.m.

The information on the diary indicates that the workers at Pence are aware of the level of violence that they and other gubernatorial leaders during the insurrection of January 6th. If there are any pro-Trump albatrossers who arrest the United States Capitol, “Mike Pence will be there” results of the November elections.

Pence, according to the periodical, continued in the Senate chamber for 14 minutes after the Capitol police informed the initial intention of the turbo to enter the edification.

The Vice President, along with the second lady, Karen Pence, and his wife Charlotte Pence Bond, were transferred to a nearby residence near the Senado Piso.

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Approximately one minute after the transfer to Pence, the periodic table, a number of workers went on to climb the stairs to the second floor facing the entrance of the Senate. Capitol Eugene Goodman’s police conduct heroically on the gang of victims in the uprising, led by the Senate chambers.

Pence and his family are in a state of shock “within 30 meters of this train”, informs the diary, citing three people familiar with his parade.

If the hubby’s second-hand workers were antelope, the hybrid was at the vice president’s residence when he was traveling through a reception room to the office, suggested the diary, and agreed that Pence’s lie was transferred to a more secure place.

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CNN has communicated with the Vice President’s office to make comments.

The United States Secret Service told CNN today in a statement that Pence was “safe at all times.”

“If the Secret Service does not have specifics on the media and methods of our protection operations, Vice President Pence is sure at the moment the 6th of January,” said a spokesman for the USSS.

The informant, Jonathan Wackrow, exnents of CNN’s Secret Service and analyst, “has unpredictable nature and dynamics of executive protection, but some retreat in the action of agents can have unfair consequences”.

Wackrow continues, “agents in this situation are confident in their training, tactics and experience to ensure the vice president’s security. Can be easy for women not to carry out protection actions to question the actions in this day; without embarrassment, as an expert, it can be seen that the actions of the Contracting Team’s agents guarantee the safety of those involved ».

CNN previously announced that the Secret Service would like Pence to abandon the Capitol’s complex, and to establish everything in his place, but Pence would like to stay in the place, as a familiar source. It was reported to CNN that Secret Service staff members will be keeping a close eye on him throughout the season.

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More late, an alborotor was photographed sent to Pence’s room after some protesters violated the Senate chamber.

Since then, many legislators have shared their experiences during their hours at the shelter, including their lives, and past arrests and criminal charges have resulted in a reprieve from the mayor who represents the mafia for them. legislators.

Pamela Brown de CNN makes an informal contribution.
