The Wall Street Journal: Zuckerberg queries ‘inflicting pain’ from Apple by its critics of Facebook privacy

The frictions between the founder of Facebook and Tim Cook are resembling the scandal of Cambridge Analytica. Interviewed in 2018, Cook claims that Apple has never found itself in such a situation.

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has taken issue with Apple’s criticisms of the way in which the social network of users’ privacy data is being used, as well as those of Cupertino’s business politicians who are committed to respecting privacy and perhaps restricting the ability to Facebook is advertising for the iPhone and the release of the Wall Street Journal.

“We do not need to inflict pain,” the periodical quotes Zuckerberg chattered about when his private team went through the Cambridge Analytica scandal, as a result of the conversation in question.

The consultant’s access to the data of 87 million users of Facebook and the illegal use of private information should place critical criticisms against the social network and its data retrieval practices. In 2018, Apple’s CEO, executive director Tim Cook, was even more likely to declare in an interview that his company was not found in an Asian situation, when asked about Cambridge Analytica.

Apple criticism has been redesigned by records of personal data and preliminary

Zuckerberg responded in those words that Cook’s comments were “extremely simplistic” and “were not absolutely correct in the world”. The frictions between the two technological giants at the end of this year and the escalation intensified a bit, when Cook, without mentioning Facebook directly, rebuked against the “food conspiracy theories by algorithms” semen despised by the capital as well. by Donald Trump’s party members.

During this discussion, Apple’s executive director — who opines that the screenshots present and the applications invited to users in publicity products — also spoke about a new feature to highlight the privacy of the users of the iPhone and the plan to ban it you can restrict the recovery of data by Facebook.

“Apple does not treat privacy”

Zuckerberg, on the other hand, called Apple one of its most formidable competitors and accused the company of using its platform to interfere with the way Facebook applications work. Dani Lever Facebook Facebook Message included verklaaró that “for Apple does not treat privacy” and the sole company is using “the market in the market to prioritize its products and services and expenses for all months”.

Lever signals that peeks and medians empress, developers and consumers pierden both the Apple rules: “Apple affirms that it is about privacy, but in reality it is about the benefit, and we have others to sign its self-referencing.”
