The Voice of America says that Special Envoy of EE.UU. reunites with Bukele, the president of the no confirmation

The Salvadoran mandate has not yet been informed of any meeting with Ricardo Zuniga during his visit to El Salvador. The special envoy will be found in Guatemala this March.

In a publication made by the News Agency “The Voice of America”, it was announced that the Special Envoy for the North Triangle of the EU, Ricardo Zúñiga, will meet “with President Nayib Bukele, with the authorities of Public Security and Reality of Attenuation of Returned Proceedings of the Frontier with Mexico and Returned Airways from the United States. ”

Without embarrassment, Bukele has not yet confirmed whether he will meet with the stadium official in his arrival in El Salvador in the coming days, but has also announced the agenda to follow.

TAMBIÉN: EE Governor. UU. the preoccupation with erosion of the balance of powders in El Salvador

The one that has been pronounced with respect is the Presidential Commission, Carolina Recinos, which says that “we have a lot of work to do with any initiative that we want to collaborate with and that we can coadyuvar on a topic and the data that is the theme of the migration ”, the commissioner confirmed.

While the El Salvador Ambassador to the EU, Milena Mayorga, also publicly and unequivocally stated that Zúñiga was meeting directly with Bukele, and detailed the agenda that the special envoy to Ellegad was sent to El Salvador.

También, Mayorga explained in his Twitter account that the country is making efforts in different areas of investment and economic projection to avoid the people emigrating from El Salvador. It is clear that the embassies and consulates are working “actively on the attraction of foreign inversions” and on other tourism projects that the governing body like Surf City is realizing and additional incentives to attract the tourist inversion.

“These and other efforts are generating major opportunities for salvadorans not salgan of the country, assimilation, to attract inversions that impel development poles and allow us to be a world-class tourist destination,” Mayorga posted on Twitter.

Zúñiga’s visit was announced by the EE.UU State Department. haas dos días, quien llega a El Salvador tras visits también Guatemala, en donde ha tenido reunions privadas con el presidente guatemalteco, Alejandro Giammattei.

The mission of Zúñiga is to address “the fundamental causes of migration and irregular migration in, since then, the traverses of the region, and the humanitarian efforts to increase access to protection for the most needy”.

According to the official communication, Zúñiga plans to talk to the “interested parties about our major and united efforts to address the fundamental causes of migration and irregular migration”. No mention is made of women who are said to have encountered them.

ADEMÁS: Special Envoy of EE.UU. for the Northern Triangle, Ricardo Zúñiga, visit El Salvador to verify causes of irregular migration

Without embarrassment, for outside policy analysts like Napoleon Campos, the idea of ​​the State Department is to listen to other actors on the “confidence” side of President Joe Biden’s governor with the Salvadoran governor.

In addition to Biden being more interested in knowing how El Salvador is combining corruption, narcotics and respecting the State of Justice, the Constitution of the Republic and institutionalism.

The Congresswoman of California, Norma Torres, has expressed concern that the United States should not invest more money in governments that he does not share with his responsibility to prevent corruption, and that Bukele is reacting against Torres.
