The Violence of José José, Sara Salazar in Mira de la autoridades de EE.UU. for not paying taxes

The legacy of José José’s newcomer is that his wife, Sara Salazar, has a debt of $ 14,000 for not paying taxes on any of her properties, located in the United States.

Agreed with Ventaneando, the last resort of the “Principle of the Song” is the owner of a department in Key Biskey, Miami, Florida, of which he has not paid taxes since 2018.

This property, valued at USD 436,000 at the time of purchase in 2014, consists of 60 square meters of buildings, housing, complete baths and was built in 1981.

This department has rented to a third person for USD 2,500 a period of time, for tax purposes equivalent to the last two years he has not been covered, except that he was paid in previous installments, specifically from the moment he was sold José and until 2018.

The TV show Azteca, in Miami, Florida, has a new show from Sara Sosa and a gift from the world.

This house was bought by the Mexican singer in 2017 for USD 395,000 and in that he also lived in the house of José José, in the house of his wife Jimmy Ortiz.

These were the unique properties that José José bought in the United States and that are the home of his family in the North American country.

If this department and case of Miami, Florida are discussed, it is stated in the will that the mayors of the Mexican interpreter, José Joel and Marysol Sosa, will meet the Mexican authorities’ tribunals.

In November of this year, the document was published in a judgment of the City of Mexico. In this paper it is accredited that the Mexican songs are the only hereditary José José; while Anel Noroña is the albacea of ​​the properties.

“We will find the will of José José, only to confirm that we will find the will. We will follow the process “, explains José Joel in the Hoy program.

The next hour, Anel Noreña spoke to the Ventaneando program, confirming the existence of the will and the division of functions in the same way.

Comment that his lawyers never lost the hope of hallarlo and “find him, thank God”.

“The courage of my husbands is that they are still enslaved by goose, love”, commented Anel respecting that José José did not marry his husbands in Mexico over all despots of what happened in 2019, the death of “Principle of the Song ”.

At the moment, the family in José José’s Mexico has not been informed of any progress in their lawsuit to convict the Mexican cantata legacy, but the trauma has been reversed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Like Marysol as José Joel, companies continue to know what their father lives on during his last years of life and know the intentions of his husband Sara to take him to Miami, Florida.

“It is not a plea, it is not a plea; solo queremos platicar con Sarita, que nos cuente qué ocurrió, por qué se lo llevó, por quo lo maltrataron, por quo nos alejaron de él y, bueno, al final, que nos muestre el testamento, si es que lo hay ”, comentó José José’s primogenito on TVyNovelas review.

“The part of conciliation is intentional from the fact that this girl has taken me to her father, and no conciliation has been made, yet we have seen her,” said Marysol at the time of the program of Venga la Alegría.
