The veterinarian Julián Garde enters the Academy of Medicine of Castile-La Mancha

The Rector of the University of Castile-La Mancha (UCLM), Chair of Animal Production, Julián Garde, has joined the Academia de Medicina de Castilla-La Mancha, tras el acto celebrado esta tarde en el Paraninfo universitario de Albacete, durante el cual, Garde ha intervenido con el discourse: “Fertilidad en reproducción assisted: una perspermiva perspectiva”. This act has taken place, despite the fact that Julián Garde was named by the Academy as academic with the medal number 32, in the Section of Ancient Sciences, the 1st of October 2020.

Guard has a former part of the Academia de Medicina de Castilla-La Mancha como one of the 35 academics that the compound.

The new academic manifesto feel “extraordinarily honored” to form part of this institution and two words of appreciation “for the people he cares about”, as well as for his family, friends and companions.

During his intervention, Excuso, in recovery mode, different assisted reproduction techniques that spermatozoa provide, to be found despondent in what parameters can be determined in vitro to predict fertility. In this sense, it indicates that “in general, as in the domestic species, as in the human species, no evidence has been found that it is capable of predicting median techniques. in vitro what fertility is to be obtained through the help of these assisted reproductive workers ”.

For the most part, Exhibition of results of his work in silver animal populations, and in this context “as we do not have a fertility selection, we understand that there is variability in terms of reproductive parameters, and in this context we find an indication between some seminal quality testing in the laboratory and the fertility of them.

The contestation in his discourse corridor to the cargo of the President of the Academy of Medicine of Castile-La Mancha, Pedro Juan Tárraga López, which is reflected in the incorporation of Julián Garde as “a point of most prestige for this young academy”.

During the act, Tárraga was accompanied by the Director General of Universities, Investigation and Innovation, Ricardo Cuevas; the Secretary General of the Academy, Juan Solera Albero, and the academic academics: José Manuel Juiz y Pedro Zorrilla.


La Academia de Medicina de Castilla-La Mancha fue Created by the Gobierno Regional on October 22, 2019 as a scientific, artistic and literary academy of the Autonomous Community of Castile-La Mancha.

Among its main functions are the promotion of studies, reflections, meetings and scientific sessions, courses, conferences, publications … etc .; collaborate with the authorities, national, autonomous, provincial, and local bodies; establish collaborative relationships with similar entities, with the universities of Spain and abroad and other centers of scientific and teaching character; promote the publication of its activities including the monograph of academic academia and contribute to the diffusion of scientific investigations, as well as promote the study of the most relevant pathologies related to the territory and history of Castile-Lacha medicine.
