The urges that you have to make to avoid the hospitalization by Covid are ten years old

The benefits of physical activity for health are extremely significant, although researchers are not yet able to establish new positive relationships between ownership and our well-being. A recent study reveals that mayors over 50 years old who have contracted the virus have had up to 60% of the chances of being admitted to a hospital if they have practiced more than one week at a time.

On the other hand, the determining element for this reduction of hospitalizations has to do with the spierd force, which, as logical, is natural in nature with the passage of years. The practice of regular manners, more than one week ago, allows us to maintain our tone geschierd.

On the contrary, the hypothesis that manejan the scientists is that the tener a mayor fuerzaespierde actúa reduces the inflammatory response that is descended through the infection by Covid-19. It will increase the prognosis of the patient and make its entrance into a hospital center, where the syndromes are more alive.

European patients

More than 3,000 personas he participated and el estudio

The researchers, relevant to the universities of Canada, France and Switzerland, conducted the study to analyze the data of 190,000 European majors of 50 years. With the information obtained, a selection of up to 3,000 people will be selected, of which 266 will cover Covid and 66 will be increased for this reason.

The authors of the study, which were published on the web site MedRxiv and which are in the process of being revised, will include some correction factors that influence the practice of ownership such as gender and weight. The conclusion is that the determining factor that reduces hospitalization is the regular practice of physical exercise.

Investigators have made a report on the importance of the mayors of 50 years realizing more than one physical week per week. Statistics reveal that, while completing years, physical activity is declining including alarming manners from 65 years.

People practicing Nordic Walking

People practicing Nordic Walking


Ejercicios sencillos

Ejercicios sencillos

The list of requirements that we have to explain the muscles is interminable. Although it is relevant in this case, it is thought that, in general, any physical activity performed with frequency and a slight intensity has the virtue of improving our tone bespierd. The variable should also be considered in this case, as with the step of the two debuts we adjust our rhythm. By supuesto, any deportiva practice must be carried out following the medical advice.

Probably a factor as to why they’re doing so poorly – and what they do not have to worry about. By supuesto, we must address the velocity, distance and difficulty of the terrain to our possibilities. But walk fast enough to strengthen the muscles of the ankles, abdomen and buttocks. If our physical state allows it, with all our rods, the continuous career will give you one more option.

An interesting alternative that, in addition, allows us to work harder on the muscles of the braces, is Nordic Walking. An activity that each day has with more adequacy and is based on the basic training of the fundraisers. Consists of fasting with the help of one of the bastions, which the mayor intensifies on the brace. It is, in addition, a cardiovascular activity.

In fact, trying to work up the strength of our muscles is a combination of continuous movement and loading (weight) has this effect. By this, below, escalating, bringing weights with the braces will have positive effects on our mass gainer. For example, with the help of one of the missing people we can explain the brazies, quizzes as long as we go. In a more advanced plan, flexions, sentadillas and abdominals are its interesting options, especially, for the segment of edification closest to 50 years.

It’s always important that we take into account that we do not need to carry large weights, if we do not have acostumbrados. In addition, many of these possessions have their own postural technique for avoiding lesions and indigestion. Consult with a physical preparation we will help the mayor of our party and make sure it is managed.
