The UNU does not have the famous carpet of ‘Guernica’

(CNN Español) – The ‘Guernica’ carpet that lasted more than 35 years has been unveiled by the UN Security Council and will not be found again.

The Rockefeller family performed the tapestry of Picasso’s famous painting at the ONU in 1984, explained to CNN in a press release by Stéphane Dujarric, spokesman for the ONU. Recently, Nelson Rockefeller Jr., the current mayor, “notified the United Nations of its intention to recover”, said Dujarric.

The organism develops the tapestry to its owner from behind.

The tapestry was unveiled at the UN Security Council’s Salon since 1985, led by Dujarric, who confirmed that council members were being notified and that alternative options were being considered for this site.

Nelson A. Rockefeller recorded the carpet production in 1955, according to information from the UN, which explains that a reproduction of the frame (currently exhibited at the Reina Sofía Museo de Madrid) is under the supervision of Picasso. de J. de la Baume-Dürrbach en el sur de France.

The Rockefellers were donated by women who donated land on the East Side of Manhattan where they belonged to the UN. The United Nations spokesman did not explain Nelson Rockefeller Jr.’s reasoning. to solicitate the devolution of the carpet.

The Rockefeller family founded, in 1913, the Rockefeller Foundation for Philanthropy in the United States.

The ‘Guernica’, symbol of the horror of war

The ‘Guernica’ was painted by the Spanish Pablo Picasso in 1937, during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), following the information available on the website of the Reina Sofía Museum. Picasso painted the square in Paris following the notice of the bombing of this vase by German airplanes in April 1937. However, the museum explains that the bouquets and the painting do not represent a concrete success “but, by contrast, constitute a generic allegation against barbarism and the terror of war ».

Hecho, the quadruple was an anticipation of the horror that vivirían had already had other lands during the Second World War.

‘Guernica’, in addition to being Picasso’s most famous team, is one of the most famous in the world and one of the most searched on Google.

The original frame has been standing for decades at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, while Francisco Franco governs Spain. Volvo to European countries in 1981.

More about Richard Roth on CNN.
