The University of Chile Faculty of Medicine called: “All authorized vacancies, including those of Sinovac, have demonstrated their safety and have an optimal effectiveness”

Under the auspices of the coronavirus vaccination process, the Scientific and Academic Community has agreed to call the public to join the massive inoculation and inform official channels prior to the fakenews divulgation. The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Chile has not been renamed the VAMED Director of Innovation FAMED, Dr. Juan Pablo Torres.

“The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Chile is calling on the public to evacuate against the covid-19. “All the vacancies authorized by national and international entities, including Sinovac, have been demonstrated and will have optimal efficiency against the disease, especially with serious illness,” said Dr. Torres.

Además agrees that “the massive evacuation together with the contraceptive measures that it knows as the adequate use of mascara, hygiene of men, social distance, the preference for ventilated spaces and housing in cases where we are asleep, its has the main herramientas to contain and reduce the pandemic in our country ”.

Finally, he commented that “we therefore strongly recommend that the public follow the indications of vacancy by the sanitary authority. Together with these, we need to inform people during this process of information that is reciprocated and contrasting ”.

Video via Youtube Faculty of Medicine of the University of Chile
