The universal basic salary is located in the center of the debate as a possible solution in a moment of economic crisis such as the current | News Univision Politica

Participants in this pilot program best jobs, pagaron deudas y mistron “significant meanings” in emotional health, followed by an analysis published the past and present by researchers Stacia Martin-West, University of Tennessee, and Amy Castro Baker, University of Pennsylvania.

Stockton, an industrial enterprise in the country of the crisis of 2008, had the funds of the private financier and the choice of an azar and a person of the barios with inferior annual media, 46 000 dollars. Podían hosted the dinner as the deseasen. It employs food, services and automobiles.

Is it effective to give money to citizens?

“Programs pilotos como los de Stockton is probably an idea of ​​the economy and the social: Does money have the power to create a significant change? If the results continue to show an important impact, the next question is whether it has the power of a political idea “, verklaar ‘n Univision Noticias Jonathan Morduch, Professor of Public Policy and Economics at NYU.

However, Morduch states that the Stockton program is guaranteed and does not provide a universal basic pension because it does not benefit all over the world, only to residents of poor resources. ” A universal basic salary is much more expensive to finance and a large percentage of the money will go to people who do not need it “, subraya.

For Stan Veuger, an economist at the American Enterprise Institute, is fundamentally tener to the tamaño of these trials. “The fundamental difference is escalation, it is very different for the whole population. Set up a universal basic wage system supondría doblar el presupuesto federale werklike“, apunta.

“Habría that recovers a level of impetus much higher than current, the people underestimate the cost of an Asian program“, añade.

And signal: “Only $ 500 a month, so it’s an expansion of the housing system, not a basic salary. It is not enough for a person to be married in many places in the country, we will deal with the checks (to help with the pandemic) “.

One of the arguments against universal pay is the idea that disincentives can work. “To give the diner without conditions, corres the risk of creating a whole class of people who do not work and if it is located in determined barriers can be problematic “, opina Veuger.

Disincentive work?

Luis Carlos Reyes, director of the Observatorio Fiscal de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana en Colombia, discouraged the idea of ​​the dar ayudas económicas directas and sus dispensed a la hora de buscar empleo. “We are experimenting with high-altitude landscapes for both countries, such as Kenya, which indicate that these people are not alone in reducing their labor supply but will increase their well-being. There are stereotypes that are completely false,” he said.

Según Reyes, one minimum guaranteed guaranteed could mark the difference between communities like Spain in the EU, with inferior resources to the media. “A medium has the permission not to have to endorse to sorevivir, the permission to take time to look for a good job, to form, to give one respite”, indicates.

The right to a living conditions of dignity

Luis Jorge Garay Salamanca, an economist and social researcher specializing in universal basic pay, defines that the focus must be on the point of view of human rights. “Tener unas conditions of life digital is a right, hooi que cambiar the idea of ​​being treated by a regalia or a dadiva“, subraya.

“And as a derecho, también has been responsibly received. The citizen who receives it must contribute to the situation “, added.

Garay Salamanca considers a basic salary for all citizens to be “not financially viable”, by defining it as a medium “focused on the poor and vulnerable population”.

En esa valde val saam met Veuger, que sostiene que the idea of ​​a basic rent, for all persons, “no is a real discussion not to be found in the north of Europe”, like Sweden, the Netherlands or Germany, with a very large state of existence.

