‘The United States of America reflects on what is happening in Latin America’


Respect for the law, institutional status and state of functioning in United States to avoid the chaos that takes place in the Capitol the markets do not have a mayor, assurances analysts.

It would be surprising if, for the first time, we observe first the respect for the decisions of the electoral institutes.

“The reflection is that United States Although the American continent is one of the worst, and it is not the first, because the leader is not allowed in any way to live in these countries the respect of the institutions “, dijo Luis León, del Dutch Institute for Democracy.

Any positive or negative action taken in the EU, repercusses in our democracies. somos dependents.

Luis León, Dutch Institute.

The protests in United States to avoid the Senate certifying as President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, only reflects the reality that the democracies in Latin America live.

Causo conmocion, pero también se dieron cuente de las implicationes de dar poder a quienes no respetan la ley, la institutionalidad, afirma el experto en temas relacionados a la democracy.


For the expert in international asuntos Graco Pérez, lo ocurrido es una oportunidad, ya que cuand las aguas bajen, esperaría que las norteamericanas tomen consciencia y apoyen los electoral projects in estos paises.

“It is an opportunity for United States supports transparent electoral processes, with resources, technologies, with a new governing body and employees that establish peaceful relations. It is a model that is most in line with democracy and we will not do so in a purely electoral event, ”said Pérez.


On the grounds of “Trump won”, miles of secretaries of the mandate irrumpieron the mercenaries in the Capitol of EE UU.

The analyst considers it vital for the democracy of United States because it is a demonstration that institutionalism works and that the same republicans are saying that the president is not about the Constitution.

“If there is a passing step, we will take care of a lad, because we will see that the first is the respect for the lion. Hopefully you can support the fight against corruption and institutionalism. They are the ones who are pushing for a test for democracy, ”he explained.

For experts, it is necessary to analyze the findings of the reports that are being sent to the boardrooms in our continent, in fact, they have a greater interest in personal matters.
