The United Kingdom has definitively agreed with the European Union

The United Kingdom has definitively curtailed these jewels, one hour before the medianche, with the European Union giving up to 48 years of agitated relations, in order to convert into a “free” country that takes a future in solitary replete of challenges.

“When the summer solstice is announced in 2021 (…) the United Kingdom will be free to make different ways of living, and if it is more necessary than our friends from the EU (…) free to make commercial agreements in all “The world is free to stimulate our ambition”, Prime Minister Boris Johnson stated in a message centered on the coronavirus that is at the heart of Brexit.

At 23:00 (local and GMT), median in large part of the Continental Europe, the country will definitely abandon the aduera union of the EU.

Debite a pandemic no hubo festejos. Only some consider it a discreet guinea: the Big Ben, the huge campaign located in a tower of the British Parliament, in a restaurant from 2017, which salaries exceptionally of its silence to show Nochevieja’s campaigns, is also an hour ahead the proofs destined to be tested on its mechanism.

With this historic story, which passed “on Downing Street with his family”, the charismatic and controversial Johnson became an important personal victory over having ended the riots of this chaotic process in July of 2019.

His executive included a subresalt of the last hour, striking the Jews an agreement with the Spanish governor to maintain the frontier with Gibraltar: the small British enclave on the extremity of the Iberian Peninsula is integrated into the Schengen zone of Libya.

Experience and research

Three years of chaos and political upheaval, the United Kingdom officially passed the EU on 31 January, putting it in practice as Britons decided by 52% of votes in the June 2016 referendum.

However, during the month the country was embroiled in a “transition period” during the cualisation of the Aduan Union and the single market while discussing its future relationship with the 27th.

The bargain, which in various occasions appeared in the fracaso, acabó dande frutos on December 24: London and Brussels will find the most complete and exhaustive free trade agreement in a record number of months.

With that said, the EU is offering an unprecedented no-holds-barred access to its huge market of 450 million consumers in exchange for a British compromise on standards that evolve with time in the medium, labor and tax evasion, to be avoided.

The chaos on the British fronts is avoided, as its gates are blocked by the occasional truckloads of advanced trucks and the scraping of products is carried out in the sadness of a third provocation caused by a coronavirus force.

Sondeverbod, pese al acuerdo, la burocracia aumentará y en Dover, hoofpuerto britainico en el canal de la Mancha, se mezclaban los sentimientos de esperanza e inquietud.

“It will be better, we will govern our own names and become our own prophets”, said AFP Maureen Martin, an English jubilee, Kirk Hughes said, computer staff, reconstruction felt “a little nervous” had the potential to upset.

Mirada al futuro

The challengers are now considerable to Johnson’s governor.

He promised the United Kingdom a new place in the world, but he was on the verge of losing a powerful ally with the death of Donald Trump, Brexit party who will be replaced at the White House by Democrat Joe Biden, more European.

At the national level, the executive conservator should be forced to reunite with the British, divided by a Brexit against what he has voted for both Scotland and Northern Ireland.

“Let’s start a holiday in the month of Europe” but “will not be a holiday long time”, said the elected independent spokesman Ian Blackford, his party, the SNP, demanded a new referendum on self-determination, through the loss in 2014, with hope to be able to reintegrate the UE as an Independent State.

Since its entry in 1973 into the European Economic Community, the relationship between the British and the bloc has been marked by conflict.

More interested in economic integration than politics, London in 1985 participated in the Schengen agreements and in 1993 in the single month. Y pidió dra by tot menos al presupuesto común.

By now, the EU has definitely reached its primary level with 66 million residents and a $ 2.85 trillion economy. And in Ghana the theme is that other populists are tempted to follow the example.

Pero, free of the British frenzy, can follow work on his project of mayoral political integration.

“There is a long way to go. It is time to start Brexit. Our future will be built in Europe,” said European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.
