The United Kingdom and Canada sanction Myanmar’s general “for grave violations of human rights” through the Gulf of Estado

Myanmar Citizens Protest Against Military Front Front at UN Office in Bangkok, Thailand (REUTERS / Soe Zeya Tun)
Myanmar Citizens Protest Against Military Front Front at UN Office in Bangkok, Thailand (REUTERS / Soe Zeya Tun)

The United Kingdom and Canada sanctioned three Burmese generals for “grave violations of human rights” across the Military State Gulf in Myanmar in February, the British Ministry of External Relations announced this in a statement.

The sanctions have the objective of defending the Ministry of Defense, Mya Tun Oo, the Minister of the Interior, Soe Htut, and his deputy, As Hlaing.

In this way, its activities in the United Kingdom have been blocked and cannot be carried out in this country, the Foreign Ministry said in a statement issued on Monday stating that it was working to prevent British companies from operating in Burmese.

Total, las medidas afectan a 19 personalidades burmanas.

On February 1, the Myanmar court ruled against a civilian governor Aung San Suu Kyi, since accusations of electoral fraud had been committed in the November elections, it should have been the subject of a series of demonstrations that would be extensively suppressed.

“With our allies, we take into account the military by its violations of the human rights and in order to have justice with the Burmese people”, indicates the British Minister for External Relations, Dominic Raab.

Dominic Raab, Minister for Exterior of the United Kingdom (REUTERS / Simon Dawson)
Dominic Raab, Minister for Exterior of the United Kingdom (REUTERS / Simon Dawson)

The British Ministries of Exteriors and International Trade initiated a “procedure to reduce the risk of military enterprises [birmanas] operen en el Reino Unido ”, with the end of atajar“ los flujos de dinero ilicitos associates a ellas ”.

Asimismo, London Promise to Get Married “Additional guarantees” to impede that British aid granted to Myanmar “indirectly supports the government directed by the court”.

Without embargo, despite the announcement, the Burma Campaign UK association denounced the dictated sanctions, stating to establish a “progress”, no more than “a holiday ban” because “our military officers have no active activities” in the United Kingdom.

In the midst of the international downturn in the Gulf of Estados, last week the United States also applied sanctions against the Myanmar military dome. The media included the commander of Ejército, the general Min Aung Hlaing, who led the armed uprising and the deposition of Aung San Suu Kyi.

The sanctions also apply to the subcommander in charge of the Burmese military forces, Soe Win, which also was designated by Washington in December 2019; the First Vice President and the Retired General Myint Swe; and the general tenants Sein Win, Soe Htut y Ye Aung.

General Min Aung Hlaing, Commander of the EU Sanctioned Command, Leads the Military Delivery in Myanmar (ZUMA PERS)
General Min Aung Hlaing, Commander of the EU Sanctioned Command, Leads the Military Delivery in Myanmar (ZUMA PERS)

Otros sanctioned son of the Minister of Defense of the military junta, general Mya Tun Oo; the title of Transport and Communications, Admiral Tin Aung Saa; the tenth general You win Oo, Deputy Secretary of the Administrative Council of the State; and the tenth general Aung Lin Dwe, secretary of dicho consejo.

The penalized companies by the United States Governor are Ruby Enterprise, Myanmar Imperial Jade Co. LTD and Cancri (Gemas and Joyas) Co LTD, by its angles with the Fuerzas Armadas de Myanmar.

Janet Yellen, Secretary of the North American Treasury, advised that Joe Biden’s governor should adopt additional media: “If there is more violence against the pacifist protesters, the Burmese Ejército will have to admit that the sanctions of Hoy are only the first”.

On February 1, the Myanmar militaries marched on the Democratic government, detained civilians, blocked Internet access and suspended flights.

El Ejército ya había gobernado el país entre 1962 y 2011, cuando se initiation un transitionion controlled hacia de democracia, y en 2015 llegó al poder del party party de la Liga Nacional para la Democracia (LND), encabezado por la Nobel de la Paz Suu Kyi .

With AFP information

Read more:

A group of hackers attack pages of the Myanmar Ejército in protest of the Gulf of Estado

United States sanctioned at the helm of the Estado Gulf in Myanmar are other military militias
