The unbelievable method of Chino Ántrax for trafficking drugs, which was revealed by the hijacker of “Mayo” Zambada

El Chino Ántrax was captured in 2013 when I was flying a plane (Photo: Jovani Silva, Infobae)
El Chino Ántrax was captured in 2013 when I was flying a plane (Photo: Jovani Silva, Infobae)

José Rodrigo Aréchiga Gamboa, alias “El Chino Ántrax”assessed in May 2020 in Culiacán, Sinaloa junto a su hermana Ada Jimena y cuñado I have escaped from the prison of a Sinaloa Cardinal who has been raped by a criminal organization while gaining the trust of Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada y de su hijo Vicente Zambada “Vicentillo“It has its efficacy as a matter of course, including as the operator of the United States drug trachea.

Without embarrassment, in December 2013 he was detained in the Netherlands and extradited to the American Union and has begun his resignation.

Cooperate with state authorities to reduce their conditions and increase fifty years of conditional freedom. We also provided information about the Card encased by “El Mayo”. Pero luego de permanecer en prisión domiciliaria in San Diego, California, escaped. Without embarrassment, he committed the grave error of regressing to Culiacán, in which ten money was spent with “El Mayo”. Lo pagó con la vida.

His story in the most powerful Card of the World

(Photo: Twitter)
(Photo: Twitter)

Rodrigo Aréchiga Gamboa passed away on June 15, 1983 in Culiacán, Sinaloa. Before his departure to the world of Norway, he led pandillas in the Sinaloense capital and held a taco toss. Initiatives of the 2000 decade were recruited by the Cardinal of Sinaloa as a sicario with the finality of which guardaespaldas, first of Ismael Zambada Imperial and lie of Vicente Zambada Niebla, two of the cartel’s leaders, Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada.

Some versions signal that in his death a crime of dicho, which he describes for the Card, he says as it was like the virus of the opposite: “one who enters into contact with the bacteria, he is practically dead”. Fue asi habrían nacido Los Ántrax, uno de los brazos armados del Cártel de Sinaloa.

I agree with the book “El Traidor. The Secret Diary of the Mayo Heal ”by periodical Anabel Hernández, José Rodrigo Aréchiga Gamboa created together with one of the leaders of the leader of the Cardinal of Sinaloa, Ismael Zambada Imperial, alias “Mayito Gordo” and who was recently extradited to the United States accused of cargo varicose veins.

Following the account of “Vicentillo” and which was posted in the book of the Mexican periodical, Approximately in 2004 and 24 years ago, “El chino” began to work for the Sinaloa Card at a very low level “generally limited to Gordo and more records”.

infobae image

China continued in this role almost until 2008, when it began to have more responsibilities after initiating the war with Beltrán (Leyva), Zetas and Carrillo (Fuentes). Chino comenzó ‘n actuar como guardaespaldas de Gordo. “If the army is armed and the authority is training more personnel to help protect Gordo,” said Vicente Zambada.

“After a while to protect Gordo, China started to listen to me (Vicentillo). I gave China a Jeep a ball test to get the vigilance and authorized China to contract about 20 people working with it. Chino y toda su gente era pagada por mi padre ”, destacó elijo predilecto“ El Mayo ”.

Después, dijo Vicentillo, “Chino se involucró más en el Cártel de Sinaloa protegiéndome a mí ya Gordo. Chino told me that since 2007 we have also been working on the transport of Culiacán drugs to the frontier and traversal of cash regression in Culiacán. Intended to use this same system to move the drug and money of other persons and cobras by the service ”.

China’s system consisted solely of delivering the drug to the front, but passed to the United States by others. “China tells me that in general, drugs are distributed to the same customers that the driver pays for transportation to the front. Its customers are responsible for cruising the drug to the United States for the same reasons. China informed me that usaba dos trailwaens koelmiddels para transportar la droga”.

It deals with vehicles from the Bachoco company.

On trawlers of chicken and goat

“El Chino Ántrax” was detained 33 years ago (Photo: special)

Agreed with the relationship of “El Vicentillo”, “Chino” has a fountain inside the Bachoco company, says that it is dedicated to the transport of chickens, eggs and other food products in Mexico.

El hijo del “Mayo” le dijo a la periodista mexicana que “Chino” corresponds to a person inside the company who proposes the necessary documentation to remove the drug charges between the collared pole, with the finale of Culiacán’s move to the front. “Chino” makes sure that each trailer can carry marijuana scenes.

“Fue mi guardaespaldas cuando fui un un de los ranchos de los Cabrera Sarabia en 2009. During my visit to China with my father to explain this method of transporting marijuana (…) At this time, my father (Mayo) and Chapo will buy a large marijuana package that we intend to cruise to the United States, a part for a new crossroads that Gonzalo locked in Sonoyta. As a very large amount of time, my father needed various means of transport for transport to the front ”.

“(…) Chino le platicó a mi padre que trabajaba con la kompañía de pollos (Bachoco) y que él podium enviar quatro trailers que podían contaer cada uno dos toneladas de marijuana. I explained to my father that he has a lot of travel routes and that all he has side exits. Explained that the marijuana should be lifted to the offices of the company and then it should be placed inside the boxes koudemiddels”(Sic).

Explained that as the trailers iban to transport polo of legal manner, no podium establish the itinerary of the vehicles. “El Mayo” accepts the Chinese method of transporting marijuana.

“I found the encounter between China and my father, you know what at least three tons of marijuana fueron were sent to the front using the Chinese method. Specifically transport of this mode to less than six tons of marijuana belonging to the Cabrera Sarabia (…) Poco despues, the marijuana was transported in the planes of the Cabrera Sarabia and entered the Chinese people. I was entertained by the pictures with my dad and China that toda the marijuana fue exhausted on the front”, Dijo“ Vicentillo ”.

In addition to using the trailers to move the marijuana, it was also used to transport the money from the front to Culiacán. “As the entry of six plays was released, my father wanted to arrange a second installment of six plays. I was detained before the incident was completed ”, dijo.

Although China has begun its drug transportation operation, it continues its role as a guard and gunman of the cartel. “Before my arrest in 2009, China had ten lines of direct communication with M1 and others. China and its people are available to play against the rivals of the cartel when it is necessary, ”said the mayor of Mayo.

In agreement with Anabel Hernández, the capture of “Chino Ántrax” took place at the airport in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, not due to the images posted on Instagram, due to the collaboration of Vicente Zambada Niebla with the authorities of the United States for that disminuyeran su condena.


Cane, chapel and jacuzzi room: inside the chino mansion of the “Chino” Ántrax, the sicario that traction in the Carinal de Sinaloa and the pago of the peor form

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