The ultimate trend in China: lightening muscles of action without the need to take ownership – El Sol de México

China has the solution to keep your muscles lean and lean, diet, dietary supplements, routine exercises, suicidal ideation, and all exercise benefits

Online trends in Chinese like Aliexpress and Taobao offer silicone tracks that simulate perfectly curved torso and braces; his tan realizes that a simple vista to hacen create his son of human carne.

Smitizen is the company that is behind this trend, and does not only sell fake “muscles”, it also offers masks of men and women, dorsos complete with men and tattoos; the level of detail is beyond the range of models including facial skin and veins that are sober.

The location of these pieces in due date, Smitizen also sells a piece with all and male genitals that simulate an erection. The model ‘Muscle suit with dildo‘(Trajectory of muscles with dildo) came in four tones of skin, clear to obscure and with option of skin in pitch.

There is another complete body piece that gives you the details of the penis area and the year to “satisfy your sexual needs”, say in the official page catalog.

“Sé un hombre real. Sexy espalda de hombre”. “Show your manpower”. “Transformed into something more”. As it is, this series sells photos accompanied by models using the muscles.

On the official page and AliExpress, the price of a torso with braces oscillates the 8 mil weights. Las mascaras rondan los 4 mil pesos y el traje completo con orficios en genitales, 10 mil 500 pesos.

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