The trafficker who has 33 immigrants in the basement of his house, will pass 6 years in prison | Univision Immigration News

Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) search the case of Concepción Malinek in a suburbio of Chicago during the March 26, 2019 madrugada. 33 immigrants from Guatemala, including 14 children, women have been trafficked by Malinek with a single proposal: to work hard, well done and a vigilance strike, for which he pays miles of dollars on his trips to the United States.

In the accommodation of this trafficking of persons the officials found libreta en la cual anotaba las deudas and the money that the entregaban, as well as rates for living, transport and telephone. Each debit firmar al entregarle dinero. This is the phrase that applies to those subscribers who want one of their victims: “You will be free from irte or quedarte when you pay your debt”.

Malinek, a guatemalteca 50 years old and with the citizenship of the state, has been detained since this day and will continue for some time during the travels: a federal juez of Chicago the sentence this week six years and prison term. Además, the order pay 112,545 dollars to its victims.

“Malinek checks every move of its victims, while presenting its proceedings at all times, the exact amount of each check that the robber and what palaces are working and jealous for manters to everything online”, said federal taxman Christopher Parente del gobierno.

“I believe that our victims are subject to the deportation and separation of their loved ones much more than those who commit the abuse and the acts of exploitation that they are subjected to,” said the official.

The investigation began when a worker called the authorities to denounce that his partner in a factory in Romeoville had the habit that vivía hacinado con dezens de immigrantes en un soten and was obliged to work for the dua of this house.

The testimonies of the victims

Between the 21st and 26th of March of this year, the detectives will be interviewing some of Malinek’s victims. One of them, a Guatemalan who was the father of a 15-year-old teenager, revealed that he agreed to pay 14,000 dollars to go to the EU and December 2018.

Although it was detonated in the front yard, as it was not known to us in this country, it was said to be lying at the roadside in Cicero, Illinois. Pero al llegar a la vivienda, ella le advirtió que su deuda ya había subido a 18 000 dolares.

The immigrant consults work through an agency. Its monthly rent is $ 1,956. Pero a la ‘pollera’ le tenía que pagar $ 974, discounted $ 200 as a subscription to your debt for EU trafficking, $ 424 for various guests, $ 200 for transport to work and $ 35 for a cell that it has.

The investigators also said that Malinek was involved in several cases involving members of the Immigration and Advisory Services (ICE). for the deportees to quarrel with their husbands.

Related to the fact that dormancy in the sotano with varying amounts of immigrants and that no permit will be allowed has the trafficker the animal permit. He was 15 years old when he was first in the house and wanted to visit, “Only for limited periods”, signal the accusation.

The hijacker of this guatemaltec testified, for his part, that he spent miles of dollars in Malinek, then summed up the passage of airplanes that he bought to travel to Chicago.

It was Malinek’s proprietor who took a photograph this time in order to hiccup a false identification, which indicates that he was an adult. With this document apocryphal work in the factory of Romeoville.

At the end of the week, this teenager the entregaba su check a su padre in order to balance the “deuda” the possible antecedents. It receives compensation from those who call and call to subscribe. When the agents are the interviewer, they are young and their father lives three months in this life.

From the factory to the south

Another testimony that was met with the accusation was that of a Guatemalan man who crossed the front with his hat of 12 years. I affirm that Malinek the cobra 7,000 dollars and that the pagaba one 600 dollars each month.

Desperate to be with his family, he has to deal with it so that he can help his wife and his other wife, for 10 years, by a rate of $ 30,000. The dormitory has been hacked to death, with dozens of people seeking asylum at the EU court.

In agreement with the accusation, the trafficker will have to meet with an immigration official to review his case and pay $ 50 for the “citations”.

The investigation revealed that Malinek had given a cell to each of the victims in order to communicate with them and the cobra for this service.

For those who want to create a home in their own home, one time The Hizo create that the visitaban every week “immigration officials” which verifies that they are allied. She was called by phone to each family to look after the employee.

The four victims are interviewed by the agents of the order teninan the same turn in the factory. Trabajaban from Monday to Friday, from 3 pm to 12:30 am. For a rate of $ 50, Malinek will pick you up and pick you up in a van.

“The victims are immediately remanded in custody at the residence,” the indictment said.

También debían pagar una cuota extra por cuidar a sus hijos mientras ellos trabajaban.

Another guatemalteca, identified by authorities as ‘Victim C’, relates that Malinek paid $ 30,000 for her and his wife. He also works in the Romeoville factory to subscribe to his deuda. She describes the trafficker as a woman “verbally abusive”, that they decide that they will enter into what they pass in that house they lose to their wives.

However, Malinek will update the time to call ICE: “They know that you are here, as well as those who have problems.”

No eran todos los abusos. In this case I have a list written with “rules” requiring to eliminate the so-called antennas from irse to work. Si no cumplían debían pagar una multa. También debían organizarse para limpiar la casa en distintos turnos. “No victim was compensated for his limping services,” he said.

To register the residence, the authorities will find false permanent residence and social security cards. Here is the green card of the victim of 15 years, the cual indicates tenia 27.

According to the FBI, this is dedicated to the migration of immigrants between 2009 and 2019.

Poco after the arrest of Malinek, sobriely told him to Chicago University which is an act of justice. “I have never had to work. She also works, she never obliged me ”, she said, she has no identity revealed.

In these cases, she has no previous criminal convictions. Authorities describe it as a bilingual woman who has studied preparation. One of its victims says he owns a hotel in Guatemala.

The trafficker admitted a declaration of culpability, the same firm in July of last year, which was dedicated to human trafficking between October 2009 and until August 2014. In this time, confession, trajectory to this country to those immigrants, a quienes explotó con engaños y amenazas.

