The ‘tiktoker’ that is famous for its patination and is making it possible to sell its NFT clip for a million dollars

Nathan Apodaca cree that the influence that you have on his video is the initial pricing proposition.

In the middle of the eye of the tokens no fungibles (NFT, by its sigls in English), the man who converts in a toda a star of TikTok with a viral video where patina while having a toy bottle, has been able to sell the token cryptographic of his clip for a million dollars, TMZ informs.

Nathan Apodaca, of Idaho, EE.UU., posted in September a video of 22 seconds in which move to his patina mientras bebe jugo de arándano de la marka Ocean Spray y syncroniza sus labios con la canción de ‘Dreams’, del grupo Fleetwood Mac.

This publication is the start of its success as ‘tiktoker’, which has millions of followers and the most economical benefits. The viral video did not positively affect Nathan’s life, either the group Fleetwod Mac, the 1977 song he wanted to appear and the end of the musicals.

Now Nathan’s representative has confirmed that the original work is available on NFT to be purchased through the platform by offering up to $ 500,000. For this proposal, Nathan is also associated with the CryptoCake media company.

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Without embarrassment, the person who decides to acquire this unique digital object must know that will not be included in the TikTok publication nie. The logo of the Ocean Spray baby will appear diffused and by questioning the author of the Fleetwood Mac song will be replaced with the original audio at the time of the grab.

Nathan creates the influence that the video has on his price and plans to use the tools to buy a house for his parents, as well as to build an event center in his Idaho Falls city.

The NFT, a ‘blockchain’-based technology, has gained popularity in recent months after being subverted for hundreds of miles and including millions of dollars varying in cryptocurrencies.
