The Texans advertise to Governor Abbott over the lack of comedy, luz y agua tras la tormenta invernal | News Univision United States

When the light and water fall on Texas through the universal tower, the problems for the residents of the state multiply. Días antes, the governor Greg Abbott pushes enphasis in more broad themes, as he avoids the use of vias, because estarían congeladas; to lift the thermostats to 68 degrees Farenheit to disconnect equipment at home to reduce energy consumption. But there are no anticipated solutions to the current problems that plague us over time: we need to help you with the fallaran phone lines, so you can choose the right one when you pay for the tubes — if you are stuck with it and coma hervirla without electricity.

In the full-blown crisis, people are commenting on Abbott’s comments on his Facebook page, he must announce the February 12th, 254-year-old state declaration of disaster.

“Normally me pongo de su lado, gobernador, pero it is inexcusable. We do not know how to sell this climate and do not hesitate to prepare it “, wrote a Facebook social media user who lives in Coppell, Texas, north-east of Dallas, where temperatures are up to 3 degrees Farenheit (-16 degrees Celsius).

“What resources are available and how can we access them? We have light curtains throughout the city, bright and snow-covered carriages (…) It is easy to get rid of the house in order to lie down (…) La Mayoría de los gobiernos activan vliegtuie ante desastres utililes para los ciudadanos “, written by usuaria.

“We can cook or maintain maintenance for five minutes”, advertised one more person. “I am desperate. This is important for 24 hours. She was hungry, confused and depressed. I do not agree with the form of purchase “, more gusto from El Paso, Texas.

After all, a periodical that Houston considers to give residents water is the water, a person responds: “We can not water water because it is not in the system. The tithes are closed. This is how to water water in Houston. el 2021 “. The message is with a photo of a cave in which the water that drains from the techo of his balcony.

On February 14th, it was announced that the golfer would be dead with all his might, Abbott warned: one follows the responsible steps with the things that can be controlled, we can surpass this way in which we can reduce the loss of life, which maximize our ability to use the energy that we need and that we maximize our wealth and security state “. This is a tampoco entry in details that quizás the tejanos necesitaban listen not only from its local authorities, but also from the higher level: the governor of the state.

“Tomen acciones ya”

Local governments, such as the Houston, have anticipated specific recommendations and have compared the gulf that comes with a hurricane, a meteorological phenomenon that Texas knows well and to which it will prepare.

“Our infrastructure here, in the Harris district, is not listed for this. In our region there are hurricanes, but there are no explosive explosions “, said February 12 Lina Hidalgo, the district of Harris, in Houston, the most populous of the state.” Donde sea que se encuentren para de domingo, prepárense para quedarse al menos hasta martes por la monana (…) Urgimos que todos tomen acciones ya mismo para prepara “, pidió. Recomendó entonces armar todo en frentar” el peor scenario “, as if they were dealing with a five-category hurricane.

The recommended list includes telephone, comedian and water cargoes sufficient to pass days of tempos, cows, lanterns, medicines; record abridgment of the mascots inside the house and protect the tubes of the coniferous holiday that are necessary to avoid being stalled.

“We would like to talk to him if he has an announcement of a hurricane that will make a golfer here”, aseguró con contundencia.

With less force, Austin’s Alcade, Steve Adler, prepares the residents of his city with an illustration that reads the question “Are you prepared for a short haul?”. In the dibujo, mostraba has a person who maintains a lantern that lights a desk with a telephone connected to a charger, a kit of first aids, a radio of pills, additional batteries; y bajo la mesa se ven alimentos y agua para al menos tres días. “Make sure you list,” he said.

From these announcements, I will write the slides of the Mondays to the Jews. Millions of people in the state have passed through the oceans and without water, the temperatures rise, in cities like in remote and rural areas. The pediatric authorities that about 13 million Texans hirvieran the water, then not be ready for consumption; but residents do not have to work without electricity. Many businesses will close and no one will be able to buy water or money.

Jueves, Governor Abbott gave a press release and assured him that everything would be resolved: Tuberías rotas o structures da danos a travers de la Agencia Federal para el Manejo de Emergencias (FEMA). Dijo adds that the Guardia Nacional supports the assistance of those who do not need to transfer to refuges.

Tuvieron to react. The state’s emergency manager, Nim Kidd, said ten generators would attend court hearings in hospitals, such as hospitals and nursing homes. We also distribute comedy lists for drinking water drinks in Texas cities and towns.

With the crisis that has arisen in the state, the response of the central government has not been sufficient to attend to everything. These local authorities have organized organizations and groups of spontaneous solutions. In San Antonio, for example, a food police officer does not have a resident of that city who establishes his services and otherwise recharges the cell of a vehicle.

So did he with particular, like the American football player Michael Huff, who paid dozens of tacos and distant fries restaurants in Irving, Austin and Dallas for which women should not have access to foods that solve their problems.

