The “technical error” that caused panic in Chile: false tsunami alert provokes massive evacuations in the country | El Salvador News

Due to the earthquake that struck Antarctica on Saturday night, the National Emergency Department of Chile (Onemi) issued a “fault” alert for tsunamis at the national level.

The Chilean governor announced that he was investigating the causes of a false tsunami alert sent to the country that caused evacuations of magnitude 7.1 earthquake in Antarctica and a 5.8 seismic strike at the center of that nation. Saturday night.

Due to the temporary crash that hit the Antarctic at 20H36 (23H36 GMT), the National Emergency Office of Chile (Onemi) issued a tsunami alert that sent text messages at the national level to evacuate the Chilean coast.

Without embarrassment, the confusion increased in the city and after receiving the message, a sisal was registered in Farellones, near the capital.

Minutes later, Chilean authorities stated that they had made a mistake and that the evacuation was only for the costs of Antarctica.

But the alert was sent in large part to the 18 million residents of the country, which motivated evacuations at the cost of the country, with people who were forced to pay for it and on thermal vehicles in the wake of a tsunami. In social networks, a series of criticisms have been made about the panicked.

LEA ADEMÁS: Tsunami alert after magnitude 7 tsunami near Chilean base in Antarctica

The videos are circulating and the web sees the moment of chaos that is taking place in some cities, between Cartagena, La Serena, Lloca and Talcahuano, these are the last golf courses on the terrain of February 27, 2010, seen the biobiochile portal. at

“We lament that the ghost hath tenured to evacuate in an impetuous manner”, said this morning the Minister of the Interior, Rodrigo Delgado, at a press conference.

It was reported that a human error had occurred and that a technical error had been produced by the external company in sending the information to the Chilean telephone companies issuing the alarm.

“We have to make responsible women who respond to this fall”, afirmó.

La falla hizo record another episode similar. On February 27, 2010, no tsunami alert was issued for Chile’s costs by a potential 8.8 earthquake that killed at least 500 people and killed 220,000 dead.

The Antarctica system affected 160 people who were evacuated from new Chilean bases and other nationalities that would not survive.

Thus, the temples in the center of the country are located in Santiago and other four regions where tampoco are registered.

The Onemi explained that there is no small angle between the two moving parts.

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