The suspension of the MLB contributes to the Capitolio

The Major Leagues are announcing the markets that are suspending all their political contributions as a result of the eruption in the Federal Capitol, which took place last week in the wake of President Donald Trump’s turbulent turmoil, uniting a rift in Washington.

“In view of the previous week’s events in the United States Capitol, the MLB will suspend the contributions of its Political Action Committee in the hope of a review of our future political contribution policy,” the league said in a statement. a communication sent to The Associated Press.

Last week’s inauguration by Trump’s supporters while the Congress ratifies the results of the presidential elections, many companies have said that donations will be made to members of the Chamber of Deputies back to the Senate. Democrat Joe Biden wins over Trump.

Others, such as MLB, have completely reduced their political contributions to both political parties. The MLB is the first of the nation’s professional sports leagues to announce that it will change its capability strategy based on the disturbances in the Capitol.
