The surprising local of the fast food in Pompeii that was found intact | El Salvador News

A team of archaeologists greets a ‘thermopolis’, so to speak, a place where they serve comedy and prayers to take in the inhabitants of Pompeii, the ancient Roman city that in the year 79 DC queried the eruption of the volcano Vesubio,


Tue 27, 2020- 08:28

A team of archaeologists greets a ‘thermopolis’, so to speak, a place where they serve and pray for the inhabitants of the ancient Rome. The place is located almost intact, with rich picturesque decorations and food scraps. Photo AFP / Luigi Spina

The thermopolium (thermopolium), a species of “fast food” in full cell in the ancient Rome, centered in Pompeii (Campania, sur, near Naples), is decorated with very colorful themes and in an exceptional conservation state, announcing it Saturday the site managers. Photo AFP / Luigi Spina

The Mostrador preserved by the volcanic cenizas has been partially disentangled in 2019, but the works are extended to intend to preserve the archaeological site the most likely, and which is located in a very competitive barrier, at the crossroads of the Bodes call and the Balconies. Photo AFP / Luigi Spina

The scientists will find in the corners of the food remnants that will bring valuable information about the gastronomic costumes in Pompeii in the era in which the Vesubio eruption, in the year 79 of our era. Photo AFP / Luigi Spina

The furnace installations recover a fragment of the path of the path, as well as the remains of the horse, goat, catfish and caracals in bar recipients. Various ingredients eran cocinados juntos, como si se tratara de una paella. Photo AFP / Luigi Spina

In the background of a recipient are found macho albias, which are used to modify the wine. Photo AFP / Luigi Spina

“The term of the impression of being sidelined and abandoned exaggeratedly by its owners, although it is possible that some, quizes the older man, has been quenched and failed during the first stage of the eruption, al derrumbarse el desván”, explains Osanna, Director-General of the Pompeya Archaeological Park. Photo AFP / Luigi Spina

He lives in the skeletons. The second powder will be from a ladron or some fugitive hambriento, “surprised by the ardent vapors sustaining in a man the tape of the recipient that acababa de abrir”, added Ossana. Photo AFP / Luigi Spina

The “Thermopolia” (the phrase compose the origin of the Greek term ‘thermop’lion’, which means good morning to sell) are very common in the Roman world. Solo in Pompeii has 80. The city, completely covered by the eruption of Vesubio in the year 79, is the second most visited Italy through the Roman Coliseo, with at least four million visits in 2019. Photo AFP / Luigi Spina
