The sugar, friend of cerebro and demonia of the healthy diet

Pocas persons saben resist the appearance of a dulce. Always appetizing, a pastelite, a galleta, a helado, a mousse hacen sucumbir al má disciplinado de los mortales. Todavía did not disappoint the dulzor and the cremosidad in the boca that she salted in the cerebro a sensation of guilt. What is the sugar that has been converted into the dietary demon of our time?

Our body needs to work hard to make it work. Especially, the brain, the muscles and the nervous system use it as brandbaar. For these athletes – especially those who carry out prolonged or intense stress – they engage in moderate amounts when they are in full possession. It is the manner in which the machinery does not detenge golf.

The fruits contain natural sugars, which are indispensable to the organism, unless they have intense physical intensity.

The fruits contain natural sugars, which are indispensable to the organism, unless they have intense physical intensity.

Many foods contain natural sugars. For a person who performs a job specifically physically not necessary supplementally. When the hace, the answer is in the space: mofletes, barriga, “cartucheras”. And a horrible list of illnesses: caries, diabetes, cardiovascular affections, gota … According to the World Health Organization (OMS), a healthy diet should not exceed 10% of the sugar and intestinal diarrhea.

The sugar is between us from very early age. The cane that produces it is the origin of the delta of the Ganges, because it is considered that the Indian societies are the first to have knowledge of this treasury that is consigned to its plant and posteriorly emerges and crystallizes in its jugo. In the sacred texts of the Ramayana, which originated in 1200 BC, the citation was quoted.

Llegado de Oriente

The Greeks consider that using sugar has medicinal properties and in cases of emergence serve to cure hereditary feas.

The caravans are located in the eastern part of Persia and are located in Persia and are located at our cost. The ancient Greeks considered it a medicine, which explained the scientific number that was posterior to the cane (Saccharum officinarum, es decir, with medicinal properties). In moments of emergence, explorers, adventurers and mountaineers have resorted to using sugar to help scar a fairy tale.

In the Edad Media, the Republic of Venice is converted into the main commercial power of sugar in the year 966. It is so valuable that it is used as a coin, compacted in blocks called “pilón”, with a very slight aspect to it hoy is trading in all Marruecos to prepare the refreshing –y superendulzado– té a la menta. Pasaron less than two days before that Narbona imposes on this product the first impetus that is known, in 1153. The cause has lasted for a few years and has lasted for several months, only he has the special bags that he implants on las bebidas cargadas de jarabe de caña.

The elaboration of dulces requires the knowledge of the great masters.  In the photo, dulces prepared by Yaiza Vega for the scene of Nochebuena, at the Clinic Universidad de Navarra, in Pamplona,

Dulces prepared by Yaiza Vega for the price of Nochebuena, at the Clinique Universitaria de Navarra, in Pamplona

Eduardo Sanz / Europa Press

In El Viejo Mundo the green locura by the azucar is being repaired on sail XVIII. Desir, we have three more years than we know about these things. At the moment there is the mode of ingering chocolate and coffee when it consumes sugar consumption. Paradoxically, the goals that need to be taken are to increase.

The first conquistadors inhabited the canal in the Americas in 1506. The plant adapted perfectly to the entire continent in order to reach the point where today Cuba is the main producer of sugar cane in the world. It is important to note that in order to make the great plantations and sugar mills work for the slavery, the exile of millions of Africans.

Lee also

Now we have the labels of the products that compromises intending to detect how much sugar they contain and what can be provocative. But we have to follow a healthy diet of fresh, green, fruit, peaches and low-carb products that will slow down the process so that you can have a good time when eating. Because when we post we can imagine a manzana. And they are located in the space of a restaurant. On the contrary, when we say goodbye we hope that the rematch of a bitch is a gentle, absolute coronation delicacy. Here the pastors and repositories have acquired such rank and notoriety in the high kitchen. Ya no hoay locales que no tengan a su specialist, un orfebre del chocolate, la nata y las cremas que es el que deja al comensal con la final sensation, justo aterior a la de desenfundar la credit card.

Now all the world knows the numbers of a good bunch of pastels that are found in restaurants with Michelin stars, and that include impulse in their local and market properties: Dominique Ansel, Jessica Preálpato, Jordi Roca, Pierre Hermé, Cedric Grolet, Elsa Olmos, Olivier Bajard, Oriol Balaguer, Paco Torreblanca … accumulated galardones in unimaginable contests hacent cincuenta aos: mejor pastelero del mundo, mejor cruasán, mejor panettone, rey del chocolate … His art is embellished only by the result, because it is impossible to make artisan.

Jordi Roca ultimately a poster in the glory of Mas Marroc, in Vilablareix, a restaurant that offers the classic plateaus of Celler de Can Roca

Jordi Roca ultimately a poster in the glory of Mas Marroc, in Vilablareix, a restaurant that offers the classic plateaus of Celler de Can Roca

Pere Duran / Nord Media

Although there is a maquinaria that helps, the pastoral care and repository all have a lot to offer, one with one, with delicacy and creativity. If you want to dictate the dose (the best way to break down a pastel is not to wait for the drugs that are recommended), then go from here to everything and mime and pulse. Can not mechanize a Pascua moon or a massini, tienen que intervenir las manos.

Ante la –razonada– demonización del azúcar, se ha comenzado a recurrir a las diferent versión des del product se pueden encar. Before anyone can sign that all sugar (world production is 200 million tons per year) is obtained in 80% of the cane and 20% of sugar cane. In many tropical landscapes, masticate the fibers of a cane seedling being a goose bark for the nines, which is said to be an impassable caries. Also the first zumo, obtained with a single machacar of the trunks between the rows, is a refreshment in the alcance of all cases. In Cuba, the llama guarapo is also incorporated into the sophistication of cocktail cocktails in historical temples of the baby like La Bodeguita del Medio de La Habana.

The white sugar that we usually use at home is the most refined of all;  el moreno, a juicio de muchos, es el más salueerbaar

The white sugar that we usually use at home is the most refined of all; el moreno, a juicio de muchos, es el más salueerbaar

The white candy that we have at home is the most refined of all. También lo hay moreno, que es de colour café and the result of a process short. The muscovado is dark and moist, then contains part of the melaza. For some, it’s the most salutable of the family. The sugar cane takes its number from the labyrinth to denominate the crystallized sugar (qandi). It is a blank process, and is used frequently in the repository of Germany and Scandinavia. Precisely the blueberries that women discover will make the toffee, mezclando caramel of sugar with nata (sorry, Brits), although its finality does not have to be with the committee: it is used as a depilatory paste in the most exquisite hares.

Various uses

The sugar has also been used as a preservative for fruits in the preparation of compotes and marmalades

With the exception of the arsenal, because Canadians tend to be more likely to have a patriarchal question than organoleptics, other blue-collar obituaries of the individual, they are highly insignificant in the total amount of annual production.

The sugar is a very well-known preservative in our hair. When the fruits are eran of time, in all the houses are prepared mermeladas and compotes. This practice has been reduced to a hobby, except in those cases where poseen huerto and that saben of the stational explosion of the fruits.


Technical Sheet


Time120 minutes.

Rassies35 pieces

Calories450 kcal.

Caramel Macaroni

Pierre Hermé, de ‘Macaron’ (Librooks)

Ingredients for the mass
150 g of sugar glass
150 g of almond butter
1 g of dried coloring
6 g of Nescafé in powder
110 g egg whites
37 g of water
150 g of granulated sugar

Ingredients for the filling
167 g of wet to mount (35% of raw material)
150 g of sugar
35 g salad dressing
145 g of ambient temperature bath

The preparation:

1. Tamizar el azúcar glas y la almendra en polvo.

2. Dissolve the colorant and the coffee in the middle of the clear (55 g) and paint over the anterior mixture without remover.

3. Remove the water and granulated sugar until it reaches 118 ° C. When the alembic is near its temperature, empezar to mount the remaining clear (55 g) to the point of snow.

4. Verter el azúcar cocido sober las claras en forma de hilo. Batir con las varillas dejdande que baje a 50º, pero sin dejar de agitar la mezcla. Entones incorporate the blue glass and almond powder. Remover for piercing a poke of air and, by volume, volume.

5. Bekendstelling van la masa en una manga pastelera a la que se fijará una boquilla lisa del nº 10.

6. Form masses of a diameter of 3.5 cm on a sheet of paper covered with sulfurized paper. Golpear the plaque with suvidad against the work surface for the mass to ascend and sanction a poco.

7. Dejar reposar algo más de media hora, hasta que veamos que la masa se seca y genera un costra.

8. Hornear lasts 15-20 minutes to 150º. During the process, we will briefly open the door for a couple of weeks in order to escape the humidity, but without losing temperature.

9. Reserve the galletas obtenidas.

10. Leave the night to ebullision

11. In another case (of greasy fondue) make 50 g of sugar medium medium, add the more 50 g balls you need to get a uniform caramel, dark toasted.

12. Remove from the heat, add the 35 g salad dressing and the rest of the dough.

13. Leave the new case on the floor until you reach the 108ª of temperature. Apply the fugue, beat with a machine to obtain a uniform cream and extend it to a surface for free, first ambience and lie in the refrigerator.

14. Beat the 145 g of buttermilk with varillas for 10 minutes, add the frozen caramel and obtain a homogeneous paste. Colocarla in an ideological pastel manga used for the gallows.

15. Create the macarons uniendo dos galletas con el relleno, presionar ligeramente y colocarlos en la nevera duran 24 horas. Deben succeeds in preparing hours before its consumption.
