the sueño of a family migrating rumbo ‘n EU

Tecún Umán, Guatemala.- In the middle of miles of immigrants leaving San Pedro Sula, Honduras, via Valery, a nineteen invident cuyos padres se aferran a la esperanza de llegar a United States to curl the islands that no one has seen in this world since nation.

Threads, the family is filtered between the column of the National Civil Police de Guatemala displayed to contain the caravan of miles of Honduran migrants to search crudar to direct hacia Estados Unidos. The fairy tales, after a week of supremacy over hamber and free, logaro to the orchards of the Suchiate River, from Guatemala’s front to Mexico.

Denis Fernández, father of three years old, solo pide al gobierno mexicano that they should not be allowed to go to the United States, because they certainly have the greater probabilities that they will be operated on and will be able to do so.

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Rosa Herlinda Reyes, with Denia, has an 18-month-old baby, Angeli and Valery, who have one month at their home and the banana is working on its destroyed flues during the Eta and Iota tropical storms.

His wife Rosa Herlinda Reyes, with Denia, an 18-month-old baby in Angeli Michelle’s braces, 10 years old, in his barn, who had one month at his home and the banana working on his wife was destroyed by them Tropical Tores Eta and Iota. The perdieron todo, pero Rosa did not have to lose even the hope that Valery would stay some day.

Also read: Caravanana migante avanza hacia México

Antes de alejarse del río Suchiate, Angeli lleva a su hermana para que toque el agua.

“Alegría volverá a nuestros rostros solo hasta cuando mi hija pueda ver este mundo”, expresses Rosa, con la mirada fija en el Suchiate River, donde atraviesan balsas con immigrant resueltos a no detenerse a descansar.

“Sólo ese día estaremos alegres”, coincides with Denis.

Denis, papa de las niñas, solo pide al mexicano goose de pas pas para llegar a EU.

Related to the past 13 years of salary La lima, municipality of the Cortés department, in Honduras, to unite caravan of Central American immigrants, which has distinct motives for abandoning its lands, although the constant is generalized poverty. The Guatemalan authorities are dissolving the caravan by the fire.

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The Fernández family hopes that the caravan will be able to cross to one of the migrants, confidants in which it will be easier to enter Mexico. But if you do not succeed, you will be decided to follow suit. Su plan: atravesar el Suchiate, ya sea en balsa o caminando por el río en la parte más baja.

The bus family is cruising the Suchiate, balsa or sailing on the other side of the river.

Antes de alejarse del Suchiate, Angeli lleva a su hermana Valery para que toque el agua, sienta la texture de la arena y escuche el crujido de los árboles. She has her pies and her eyes since she started giving her first steps. Rain for a moment.


“Ya vámonos!” Indica Denis, as he approached Valery and climbed the stairs. Each one recovers his things and continues his journey.
