The strategy used by “the Chapo” Guzmán to make millions in Andorra, is an informé of the intelligence of Mexico

The Financial Intelligence Unit of Mexico is investing in the ex-wife of the Cardinal de Sinaloa to approve the fiscal auctions of the European principle for money laundering, according to local media.

The Mexican governor is investigating the drowning of money that Joaquín “el Chapo” Guzmán made during a decade in Andorra for at least 108 million pesos (more than 52,600 million dollars), revealed this month the millennium diary.

The Mexican media acceded to a report by the Gobierno Financial Intelligence Unit (UIF) that documented at least 22 ghostly transactions with the European principle and that, in its view, it has 72 mercantile companies that he served on the Map of Sinaloa.

“If there is a suspicion that it is only a fraction of the money raised by the card, the Andorran financial system”, the media quoted as saying.

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The EFE agency said that it contacted the UIF to corrupt the report, but the officials replied that there was no official information at the moment, even though the information was not authenticated.

Although the ex jefe of the Cinalel de Sinaloa completed a perpetual case in the United States since 2019, the UIF’s filtering coincides with open investigations into Mexican politicians by their nephews with the criminal group in Andorra.

On March 10, it was announced that the Governor of Mexico would invest in Manlio Fabio Beltrones (2015-2016), former President of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), and his wife, Senator Sylvana Beltrones, for 10.4 million dollars.

Files this information in the register El País, the head of the UIF, Santiago Nieto, reconciles with the Andorran authorities soliciting information about 23 people “mentioned in communication media”.

Además, the director of the UIF revealed the fires passed to the Camera of Deputies that the governor of the northern state of Tamaulipas, Francisco García Cabeza de Vaca, had purchased furniture from ghost companies that in other occasions used the Card of Saar dinero.

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García Cabeza de Vaca, governor of Tamaulipas since 2016 with the right-wing and opponent of the National Action Party (PAN), is holding a political trial in the Chamber of Deputies for a denunciation of corruption filed by the General Tax Office of the Republic.

Agreed with the Milenio report, the UIF detects that the Chapo companies’ transactions with Andorra are being held to serve both other drug cartels and criminal offenses involving acts of corruption and public disclosure.

It informs that its corporations are false in that it detects angles with other insurgents such as the ex-wife of former President Enrique Peña Nieto, Juan Collado, the Odebrecht Corruption Council and including Estafa Maestra, because he is detained by the detainees .

The report from the UIF details that Manuel Eduardo Rodríguez, considered as the chief financial officer of Chapo, and who is tested, recruited to the companies closed to transfer capital from Mexico to Andorra to make money from the Cardinal of Sinaloa and the Colombian groups of Narcissus

According to the local media, the local authorities consider the criminal structure of “el Chapo” “benefiting from the laxity of the Andorra financial system, which has been operating since 2018 as one of the most important tax havens in the world”.

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