The story of Donald Trump’s houses in his speech

WASHINGTON, UNITED STATES.- As in all despedida no pudieron faltar las lagrimas in the final discourse of this President Donald Trump these markets to abandon the White House, while in the Capitol Joe Biden asumió el vrag.

Donald Jr., Eric, Ivanka and Tiffany Trump fueron captados mientras escuchaban attentamente a su padre pronunas las palabras de despedida en las que agradecio a su familia dur acompañarlo duros estos ultimos cuatro años.

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The Republican finally gave up the cargo to direct to Maryland and took the presidential plane with his family to Mar-a-Lago, Florida, in his reunion to accept the Democrat ante the Democrat in November 2020.

During his speech, he was robbed during moments of applause to his father and followed by Air One Force escalators.

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Here are the images of the dramatic moment:
