The star of the Premier that ‘tendría’ fichada ‘Joan L …

El Kun Agüero it’s one of the ‘cracks’ that terminated his contract and that he could play for free at any club in the world. The Argentine todavía has not received an offer to stay in Manchester City and from the impression that there is more to it than inside the English team. For this reason, each one has more rumors than the colocan in some of the biggest clubs in Europe, as can be in this case the FC Barcelona.

Since then, it has been rumored that some of the candidates for the presidency have been accused by the ex of the Independent and Ghanaian. Series an incorporation at that time, a contrasting star was read and a series of ads for Leo Messi was renewed, ya que ambos son intimate friends. For all this, there is a magnificent procession in short space and you can get a big ride to Barça.

In the ‘Daily Mail’ he mentioned the number of candidates he had posted by the Argentine and that he tended to agree with him in the case of winning the comics. Joan Laporta was the person who communicated with the attacking ‘cityzen’ to treat your file. The lawyer and the empress know that there is an opportunity for ore and tenderness on the subject of very closely related to this information.

Futbolísticamente hablando, the hills are lined with one of the best delinquents of the last decade and with one of the best players in the Premier League. Les lesions le han lastrado estost ultimos años y este curso casi net ha jugado, pero cuando estest en forma sigue being decisive. Luis Suárez’s march is covered, the vernacular passed and in addition Messi’s a motive for more weight to renovate and quarrel

I have to record that Kun and Leo are my friends since I was young and that I love this relationship. Ambos han querido jugos juntos desde siempre yesta podría ser la oportunidad que llevan tantos años azos. Laporta, who wants to renovate to ’10 ‘like sea, would like to use all possible arms and confiaría en que el fichaje del bonaerense, sumado al project deportivo que le ‘venderá, its sufficient motives for quede.

Laporta has various ‘ases’ in the manga

At the moment, the ex-president of Barcelona has not wanted any number of cars in the near future, because he is not afraid to be a rumor. Probe ban, el secretismo con el que estle llevando su campña hace pensar que tiene guardados varios ‘ases’ en la manga. It appears that the Kun is one of them, that the operation is to perfection with the hidden economy and with the intention of ‘Jan’ to carry out the Messi renovation.
