The species like natural medicine: dime qué te duele y te diré cuál tomar

He has always existed, is in our kitchen and helps to feed the food. Pero the species I know much more than simple ads for the comedies and ensure that you are interested in knowing that important guards are provided for the health.

Advances in medicine, are used to create remedies for cases of pain. Some mayors follow themselves back to them, like killing a keystroke on a species when they have stardom or aids when the pain is asphalt.


Although many of the remedial measures can be taken ‘purely Chinese’, it is clear that the advancement of science and research in this type of condition has shown that many of them have Beneficial properties and can provide some of the dollars we buy.

We will analyze some of the species with this type of property. Dime qué te duele y te diré qué debes tomar.

Cucumber, ibuprofeno substitute

It is said that the turmeric, of Indian origin, is a species that could perfectly sustain ibuprofeno debit to its elevated anti-inflammatory properties. This way, it is perfect for relieving digestive, rheumatic or arthritis pain. But there is something wrong with this, and many of them are the experts who make sure that it is a great help in doing so important and lamentably common as cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s or depression.

Dar en el ‘clavo’

With this species never before have the expression “to be in the clave” been more pronounced. In addition to aromatizing many plates, it is also key to the traditional medicine given to it antiseptic potentials, it is said, reduces the chances of infection.

In its majors, there is no reason to believe that when masticates a claw of a claw in particular for digestive pains, it has the power to kill intestinal parasites. Además, has calming effects, all of them due to the pain in the mouth and other related problems.

Diabetics, the owl is the cinnamon

O la odias o la amas. The cinnamon has its disadvantage and its fondness, and it is said to be the second that salen gnaws, then it is species perfect for combating problems in common with people with maladaptation or diabetes, can control glucose levels in the blood. By the way, it is a great antioxidant. Do you know what that means? That helps to lighten up against the pain of your skin. Eterna juventud, cinnamon lovers!

Azafrán, the “red gold” of the kitchen

It is not popularly known as “red gold” without any reason. In addition to being the most expensive species (the kilo in Spain alone rounds around 10,000 euros), the azafran has many benefits for health, then help with digestive, renal and neuronal problems. It is also used for calming pains to be a very effective anti-inflammatory, and not only that, but it provides vitamins and nutrients by heart (B1, B2, flavonoids, magnesium …) What else do you want to do to keep going?

Pepper, the other “red gold” brand Spain

In Spain we also have our special “oro rojo”. Hablamos, as can not be otherwise, of the famous pepper. This is not only the protagonist in large plates of our gastronomy (véase the pulp to the galley or the potatoes in the riojana), but there are also important benefits. It works as an analgesic, is a potent antioxidant and also helps the circulation and controls cholesterol.

Ginger, for menstrual pain and the loss of weight

Its aspect is not very llamative, in that it is the reason. But it is demonstrated that not all of its properties, but its properties are very beneficial to health. Gather a ginger pod in an infusion or add directly to a powder to soothe the nose or fortify your immunological system against the infections. Help make digestion as others of the species that are mentioned in this post, but differ in their size, in addition, fortalece the memory and help to concentrate better. Tambien soothe menstrual cramps and absorb the grass, because it is a big ally for the loss of weight.

¿Problem if the gases? Scales comino

Do you like to read about the posterior gases in your intestines? Quizá is interested in knowing that the commune will help eliminate this problem. Adding a pinch of cumin to the leg of any legume has been shown not to be hung like a globe. In addition, it helps to digest and digest the proteins that we hold in the body. No debe faltar and tu despensa!
