The signing of a multi-project deal did not stop Hailee Steinfeld from playing Kate Bishop

We played for months’ with Hailee Steinfeld and the role of Kate Bishop in ‘will she / will she’ Hawkeye, but recent photos have finally confirmed that she has been named the Young Avenger.

During that time, we heard conflicting reports about the delay. Some said it was due to Steinfeld’s Dickinson commitments, while others said the actress may not have been sure about signing up for several projects. After all, it is expected Hawkeye will pass the flash, and Kate’s role as Young Avenger will likely keep Steinfeld busy for years to come.

Well, during a recent interview with Collider, Steinfeld made it clear that it was never a problem to sign up for the long haul, pointing out that, “It was a wonderful experience to develop this character and extract elements from her from the comics and what we know with her history. It’s just very exciting to play a character who loves so many people so much.”

Regarding the multi-project agreement, she said: “It’s not played a reason why I do not want to get involved, that’s for sure. My music is something I can do on the go and on the go. Of course I make it a little more challenging, at the same time with my acting. But luckily it’s something I I can go on and on while working on these shows. ‘

That makes things right, while indicating that Steinfeld is here to stay as the MCU’s new archer.

What the plan is for her next Hawkeye has yet to be seen, but the chances are high that we will see her meet with the rest of the Young Avengers in the not too distant future. Where it can happen, Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania is probably the most likely possibility!

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confirmed and rumored characters in Hawkeye!

Confirm: Maya Lopez / Echo (Alaqua Cox)


In the pages of Daredevil, Maya Lopez’s father was killed by Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin of Crime.

Manipulated by the villain to target the man without fear after training as an assassin for years, Echo has photographic reflexes that are not entirely different from Taskmaster’s.

One of only a few deaf superheroes, Echo is of Native American descent and was the first Ronin. It binds her to Clint Barton, and it’s possible she’s given the task of killing Hawkeye, just as she once was Daredevil. Alaqua Cox makes her debut Hawkeye, and given her age, it seems likely that Echo is a strong contender to join the Young Avengers.

It’s a wonderful character, and her unique face painting will hopefully be a part of it. Hawkeye also.

Confirm: William Lopez (Zahn McClarnon)


William Lopez, known as Willie “Crazy Horse” Lincoln in the comics, is played by Zahn McClarnon in Hawkeye.

The actor is best known for his actions as police chief Mathias in Langmyn, Hanzee Dent in the second season of Fargo, and Akecheta in the second season of Westworld. He’s an incredible acting talent and will hopefully get the opportunity to shine through Marvel Studios.

As noted, Lopez was killed in the comics by the Kingpin and left a bloody handprint on Maya’s face during his dying moments. With the same dying breath, he asks the man who fatally wounded him, Wilson Fisk, to take care of his daughter.

How much of this will be investigated Hawkeye can be booked, but Fisk is unlikely to appear.

Confirm: Jack Duquesne / Swordsman (Tony Dalton)


Jacques Duquesne, renamed Jack Duquesne for Hawkeye, began his career in the circus. He trained Hawkeye for years to be his patron, but Clint Barton caught him stealing money from their employers and reporting his mentor to the police.

Clint was half beaten to death, fled and became a mercenary known as Swordsman.

His story arc was a fascinating one. He began his career as a villain and successfully tried to force the Avengers to be exposed. He would later fight with them like Egghead, Batroc’s Brigade and the Lethal Legion. When he met the Mantis, he found salvation and really joined the Avengers.

Tony Dalton plays Swordsman in the MCU, and if you’ve seen his work in Better name Saul, you will know that he can bring a lot Hawkeye.

Confirm: Eleanor Bishop (Vera Farmiga)


The face of New Line is very successful Toor Frera, Vera Farmiga, who joins the MCU, is a huge benefit to Marvel Studios. However, it’s hard to imagine that she’s just playing Kate Bishop’s mother.

Kate comes from a wealthy family, and her mother was apparently long dead.

Later it would be revealed that it was alive and that led the activities of her daughter, Madame Masque. With the villain allegedly appearing Hawkeye, do not be surprised if the series combines her and Eleanor to create a villain who will elevate the game on a personal level.

Farmiga also plays in Godzilla: King of the Monsters and Bates Motel.

Confirm: Kazi / Clown (From Fee)


Les Miserables the star Fra Fee is the role of Kazi, a character believed to be Kazimierz Kazimierczak.

He is better known as the Psychotic Clown and moved to America after his circus family was killed during an armed conflict. It goes without saying that we expect him to be linked to Clint Barton in some way, but either way, this mercenary will pose a serious threat to both Hawkeyes.

The traumas of his past led him on a dark path and Clown had the task of leading the ‘Tracksuit Draculas’ to kill Clint, and tormented the Avenger by killing his neighbors.

He probably will not be Hawkeyeis big bad but is a villain worth watching.

Confirm: Yelena Belova (Florence Pugh)


Florence Pugh makes her MCU debut Black widow next May and takes on the role of Yelena Belova. This version of the character is often portrayed as a villain in the comics, and is the ‘little sister’ of Natasha Romanoff.

Without seeing the delayed film, it is difficult to predict in what role she will play Hawkeye.

But with the Disney + series taking place in 2025 (the year after) Avengers: Endgame), it seems reasonable to assume that she has now dressed herself as the new Black Widow. However, if she’s part of General Ross’s Thunderbolts, her role in the program may be completely different from the prediction.

It’s just nice to know Pugh is holding on.

Confirm: Kate Bishop (Hailee Steinfeld)


After months of conflicting reports about whether Hailee Steinfeld would be part of Hawkeye, set of photos confirming this week that the Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse star plays Clint Barton’s new protege, Kate Bishop.

A member of the Young Avengers in the comics who took the Hawkeye cloak for herself after Clint’s apparent death in Avengers Disassembled, Kate later trained with the Avenger and formed a strong bond (although one who sees that they shoot each other regularly).

Much more than just a female Hawkeye, Kate is a fantastic character in her own right.

Steinfeld delivered a breakout performance in 2010 True Grayt and has high praise for her work in Bumblebee and Apple TV + series Dickinson.

Confirm: Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner)


It will not shock you to hear Jeremy Renner name the role of Hawkeye in a series Hawkeye, but the archer has been enough for the past few years to justify the existence of this show.

In the five years he spent away from his family, Clint became Ronin and killed those he deserved to die in the place of his family. Going off such a dark route will not be easy to jump back from, and that may explain why he apparently lives in Brooklyn instead of with his family on the farm.

However, this is not the biggest change Hawkeye is going to go through.

Fixed photos have confirmed that Clint is now wearing hearing aids, an indication that Marvel Studios plans to investigate the hero’s hearing loss as the comics have done in recent years.

Rumor: Mockingbird


Mockingbird made her debut in live action in Agents of SHIELD, but Adrianne Palicki’s time as Bobbi Morse was short-lived, and a planned spinoff never went on ABC.

There are rumors that Clint Barton’s ex-wife will be part of Hawkeye in the comics, and if that’s true, it means the character is being reloaded by Marvel Studios. Whether they now or in the past have a romantic engagement has not been revealed, but it is doubtful that they were ever married.

Without Mockingbird being mentioned in that decisive news, it probably won’t happen.

However, if we can see Bobbi joining Clint Hawkeye, the MCU will have added an important new character that could impact many stories in Phase 4 and beyond.

Rumors: Trickshot


The presence of Swordsman in Hawkeye is a strong indication that Clint Barton’s past will be investigated. Therefore, it is no great surprise that an anti-hero is expected to appear from time to time.

An origin story for the former SHIELD agent is no longer needed for a long time, and if it is, it will almost certainly involve Trickshot, Clint’s brother.

Clint and Barney grew up together in an orphanage, but later ran away and joined the Carson Carnival of Traveling Wonder as carnival hands. With Clint preferring Swordsman, Barney became jealous and divorced his brother when he joined the Army and later the FBI.

Brainwashed by Baron Zemo after his apparent death, Barney Hawkeye would suffer as Trickshot.
