The “Shrek of Tijuana”, from the animation to reality by a common

Off Tijuana radica Hugo García, a man who since 10 years ago in the calls the support of his hogar of a unique and original way: disgraced as the animated character “Shrek”, with whom he pretends to help society.

“We are in the lucha, we are in the life, the life is the dream of everything and it has grown as life, with an hope and with a good feeling”

Painting of green and with the typical clothing that distinguishes the game from animation, Hugo sells to the callers recorriendo each meeting to take photographs with the curiosities that the acerca, also acude to social events.

If the “Shrek of Tijuana” is called, and the allegory not only shares with its followers, but with its own family, then the idea of ​​personifying this character Surgery of the need to raise funds for medical and chemotherapy treatments for their patients.

“It’s been 10 years since we met the only human being to be married to me, Martha Beatriz Vázquez, there are 17 chemotherapists and we are in the dungeon of God, because without God we can do things”, dijo Hugo.

Recognition that the population is what burns the aid material, from which money has been spent, which accumulates decision to share with the most needed as albergues, orfanatos and communities in abandonment by the authorities.

“We are in the lucha, we are in the life, the life is trae de todo y hay that agarrarla as vien, con una esperanza y con un buen sentir, ahorita estamos y el día de manana no sabemos, pero siempre hacer la buena obra y la lucha por un ser humano ”, afirmó.

The “Shrek of Tijuana” is recognized by local, national and international media, and distinctive brands have extended their reach, as has the Boxing World Cup and Tijuana I Love 664.

The inspiration for Hugo García, dijo, es su esposa y su salud, además de su hija, quien en ocasiones también lo apoya vistiéndose de Fiona, la fiel pareja de Shrek segun la historia de DreamWorks.

García no solo busca gain the life and work of the character, so we also have a human sense in the community, during the sanitary contingent has donated cubrebocas, panels, dispensaries, clothes and has cocinas to women who need it.

“I had a few minutes spent on 60 panels and nines that I also cared for, and thanked the people I support, who came from the United States and left me with my home for what I did,” he said.

Record that brindo also helped women he lost his life by some natural phenomenon like fires, slaves, slaves, among others.

“Now that the houses in (in the bar) El Rubí are closed, we have games, we have comedies, we have television, we have the colony El Niño, we have allegiance to the colony La Miseria, because there is nothing, there is no light, no hooi agua, nada ”, mencionó.

Hugo García is one of the tens of thousands of miles that can hustle the hogar every day, but he has a different way and on various occasions he has been seen by first-level politicians, accompanying social events, as well as some artists and figures from the sport that visited Tijuana.

It is common to see the “Shrek of Tijuana” running through the Urban Zone of the Tijuana River, the Revolution Avenue, the International Garitas, the Municipal Palace or the Center, always adding a photo and regalia dulces to the nines that greet it.

