The Senate Filibuster’s Racist Past Arguments for Its End

WASHINGTON (AP) – Once it’s unclear, the Senate’s filibuster is not only scrutinized because of the enormous power it gives a single senator to stop President Joe Biden’s agenda, but as a tool that historically used for racism.

Senators and those advocating for changes in practice say the procedure that allows endless debates is hardly what the founders intended, but rather a Jim Crow relic whose time is up. Some of the most vivid examples point to filmmakers, including Strom Thurmond’s 24-hour speech against a 1957 civil rights bill, as ways in which it can be used to thwart change.

The debate that lies ahead is no longer just academic, but also one that could make or break Biden’s agenda in the split 50-50 Senate. Due to the earlier civil rights era, the Senate is ready to consider an election and suffrage bill that was approved by House Democrats but that runs into a Republican Senate bill.

In a letter Friday, nearly 150 groups called on the Senate to eliminate the filibuster, saying the matter was gaining fresh urgency following the adoption of the more restrictive new election law in Georgia, which could be overturned by the pending “For the People ‘act formerly Congress.

“The filibuster has used a long history of blocking voting rights, civil rights and democracy-protecting bills,” says Fix our Senate and a list of leading progressive and advocacy groups focusing on gun control, climate change, immigration and other issues. .

“Senate Democrats will soon be faced with a choice: Protect our democracy and pass the For the People Act, or protect the filibuster – an outdated and abused ‘Jim Crow relic’ that deserves to be thrown into the dustbin of history to be cast. “

The pressure is mounting on Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and the Democrats as time indicates Biden’s priorities. Since the close Senate and Democrats have only a slim majority in the House, it’s clear that Republicans can easily block the bills from Congress, which they plan to do.

Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell recently declared it a “false history” to propose a racial component in filibuster practice.

In a Senate speech, McConnell recalled the time the filibuster was used by both parties, including just last year when the Democrats were in the minority and used it to block other bills. “This is not a racist remnant,” McConnell said.

The filibuster practice was almost accidentally established in a way that allowed unlimited debate, and points to early congressional history, but entered the lexicon on the eve of the Civil War. By the early 20th century, it was used to block bills against lines, but in recent years it has become more widely used and sharpened as a procedure to bring any action in the Senate to a halt.

To overcome a filibuster, it takes 60 votes, but some Democratic senators have proposed lowering the threshold to 51 votes, as has been done to enable the approval of executive and judicial nominees. Senate Democrats hold the slim majority in this session, because under the Constitution, Vice President Democrat Kamala Harris can cast the ballot.

McConnell himself changed the filibuster practice when Republicans were in the majority, and Washington surprised when he maneuvered the Senate to lower the threshold of 60 votes for Supreme Court nominees to 51 votes, allowing Republicans to three of Donald Trump to install judicial nominees from the Supreme Court on Democratic objections. .

The high-ranking black member of Congress, House Majority Whip James Clyburn, recently warned senators he would not be silent if they used the filibuster to thwart the action to raise the minimum wage and other Democratic priorities. “We are not just going to give in to these ominous methods of denying progress,” the South Carolina Democrat said, returning to Thurmond’s speech.

But it will take all Democrats to agree to change the rules, and some centralists, including sen. Joe Manchin, DW.Va., is not on board.

“There are no circumstances in which I would vote to eliminate or weaken the filibuster,” he wrote in a recent open.

Manchin has received as much attention as any other senator as the White House issues Congress.

Biden has spoken to him several times and he has also received calls from other senior officials, including Ron Klain, White House Chief of Staff.

Biden’s advisers have long known he is reluctant to overhaul the filibuster. And Manchin is not alone – but ten Democratic senators were careful to change the filibuster practice.

According to the advisers, the president and staff of the White House also met with Senator Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., And Senator Chris Coons, D-Del, among others.

The administration’s commitment to all senators, including Manchin, has at the moment been proposed as a call for drastic action, including the need to uphold the right to vote in the face of legislation that they believe could be considered racist.

Michael Klarman, a professor of Harvard law, said that while the filibuster itself may be racist in itself, it has certainly been used in the past – as well as in the present.

“There is nothing biased to say that the filibuster was mostly used for racist reasons, I think everyone will agree that this is true,” he said.

The election legislation that comes before the Senate will become a test case. The comprehensive federal package, already approved by the House as HR 1, will increase access to voting rights by enabling universal registration, early voting by mail and other options, and repealing some of the new legislation in Georgia.

Democrats intend to finally put it to the vote and test Republicans’ willingness to object.

At the same time, Schumer is looking at another process, the so-called budget reconciliation, which provides a tool for certain budget bills that can be approved on a threshold of 51 votes, bypassing IDP opposition.

Democrats used the reconciliation process with Biden’s $ 1.9 billion COVID-19 relief package, amid united Republicans, and could use it again to advance its $ 2.3 billion infrastructure package or other priorities.

As reconciliation revolves around budgetary matters, it is not clear that the election bill or other legislation that is gun control or immigration, for example, can be considered under the procedure.

One Democrat, Senator Raphael Warnock of Georgia, the new senator whose election in January helped give the party majority control, recently indicated he was prepared to use all options to continue the bill on the election.

“I intend to use my leverage and the leverage of my state as the majority maker, whose election future is currently in jeopardy, to demand that we exercise the right to vote,” he told The Associated Press, “and we go it urgently and quickly. ”


Associated Press author Jonathan Lemire contributed to this report.
