The secrets to the success, says Elon Musk | Gente | Maintenance

The richest man in the world shares his advice.

Elon Musk, the richest man in the world, reveals his strategies for logging on to his different companies, can focus on the quality of his products and does not lose time in domestic themes. Included, revelations counting days to sleep to keep the time sufficient.

The South African magnate meets as CEO of SpaceX aerospace company, Tesla electric car company and Neuralink neurotechnology company, as founder of The Boring Company.

“Much Work”, directed by Musk and Joe Rogan during the last episode of podcast The Joe Rogan Experience quoted by CNBC.

“Normally I stay at work meetings until the 1st or 2nd of the month. Saturday and Sunday, usually not, but for weeks ”.

Agreed with Musk, it is possible to reduce the minimum hours. Musk duerme approximately six-hour diaries. “He means the menu cards, but entonces la productividad total disminuye”, dijo.

Musk is the daughter of a woman who has been working for hours on weekdays. In fact, the multimillionaire includes dormitory in the basement of his Tesla office, informs the Wall Street Journal.

“I have moments in the week, some weeks (…) I do not count it exactly, but as I sleep one hour, work, sleep one hour, work, sit days in the week”, said also in an interview with Kara Swisher in November 2018.

“Nadie should dedicate so many hours to her work”, dijo. ‘No recommended para nadie. Te vas a volver un poco loco si trabajas 120 horas a la semana ”.

On other occasions the empress has criticized the culture of corporate work and the lack of attention to what is agreed with him, much more important, the increase in product. Musk indicates that the business leaders occupy much time in conference rooms or on presentations, and there are no forms to increase their products.

Dedicate less time to finances, less time to conference rooms, less time by PowerPoint y more time simply by trying to make your product as incredible as possible”, Comment Musk. (I)
