The second dose of vaccine is not needed in those with a previous infection

A single injection of the vaccine against the cofid-19 of Pfizer / BioNTech or Modern Power will suffice to proportionate the person who has been infected with the coronavirus, according to a paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

His responsible son is investigating the Icahn de Monte de Sinai School of Medicine in New York, which states that the efficacy of a single dose “would help eliminate the limited number of vacancies”.

In addition, this cambio also has the potential to prevent secondary secondary effects of a second dose of the vaccine, which, according to investigators, “are significantly more important in people with pre-existing SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, the virus that causes covid-19” .

“We demonstrate that the response of the anticonvulsants to the first dose of the vaccine in persons with pre-existing immunity is equal to the incidence of the response in persons not infected after the second dose”, affirms Viviana Simon, author of the article.

For this reason, “we believe that a single dose of the vaccine is sufficient for the people who have been infected by the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine”.

In a communication from the Monte de Sinai Hospital, investigators recalled that the vacancies of Pfizer-BioNTech and Modern received the use of emergency authorization by the FDA and December 2020 regulatory authority.

In Phase III studies, both reported high efficacy in the prevention of co-occurring 19 infections after dose doses administered at an interval of three to four weeks. Both are also well tolerated, with secondary effects that require additional medical attention.

Now, in the study of 109 individuals with immunodeficiency prevalent in SARS-CoV-2, investigators found that the first antiretroviral group was exposed to the first dose doses in a case of 10 to 20 weeks mayor that no. habían pasado la enfermedad, ya una tas de de más de diez veces despuede del segono pinchazo.

“These results suggest that a single dose of the vaccine provoked a very rapid immune response in individuals who had a positive effect”, affirmed by Florian Krammer, whose first dose was immunologically inhaled at the reflux (second) people who have not been infected.

The team also investigated reactions across the first dose of the vaccine in a second group of 231 individuals, 83 of which had positive outcomes in covid-19, and 148 which were not present.

Although vacancies are generally well tolerated, both subgroups detect symptoms at the injection site, such as pain, vomiting and encephalitis.

In the receptors with pre-existing immunity, without embarrassment, the secondary effects are produced with a significant frequency mayor, including fatiga, coleza dolor, escalofríos, fiebre and dolor spierachte gewrig.

Viviana Simon suggests, if the history of infection of an individual is known, use a serological test to detect antecedents: deduction.
