The royal family shares new photos of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles with Mark Easter

official photos of the Queen and Prince of Wales

Chris JacksonGetty Images

Pre-pandemic, royal fans could expect Queen Elizabeth and other members of her family to make a public appearance on Easter Sunday. As with Christmas, the royals often celebrated Easter together, while many of the Queen’s relatives traveled to Windsor as a group to visit the St. And photos of the royals walking to the service would then be published by the press.

But this year, as last year, the royals did not make a public appearance to celebrate Easter Sunday due to the ongoing pandemic in the coronavirus. Instead, Buckingham Palace has released two new photos of Prince Charles and his mother walking in the gardens at Frogmore House.

official photos of the Queen and Prince of Wales

Chris JacksonGetty Images

The photos were taken on March 23 by Getty photographer Chris Jackson. “Very special to take this photo of The Queen and The Prince of Wales on the historic site of Frogmore House released tonight. It feels especially moving because hopefully we will all see a little more of [our] families over the coming days and weeks, ‘Jackson wrote on Twitter, referring to the impending weakening in the UK.

In addition to the photos, Clarence House commemorated the holiday by sharing a video of Prince Charles reading “God’s Grandeur” by Gerard Manley Hopkins.

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Kensington Palace has posted a video of a chocolate egg being crushed in slow motion.

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And on Thursday, the main report of the royal family, representing the Queen and Prince Philip, Princess Anne, Prince Edward, and a number of other royals, shared a video

of daffodils blooming in Green Park, along with the message: “Our followers have a peaceful Easter weekend.”

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